
2021-03-24 英语作文


大学英语作文 篇1

  death of etremism results from death of social care to move or not to move, a dilemma that had been plaguing weng biao for two months was finally resolved in a burning way. with his two-room shack knocked down by the government's bulldozer, weng made a desperate attempt of pouring a can of gasoline on himself and sparking a fire.he was dead,which raised the tension between the government and the inhabitants to move greater than ever. so who is to blame? no specific culprit but the society itself. it is the ill social response to those in need that led to the behavior of etremism and the ensuing un

  weng's story typifies the buddyship between social instability and etreme behavior. the bulldozer not only pulled down the family's shelter but their last hope of getting the justice done as well. without home, without fear. it is the boldness from despair that ignited the wanton breach of social rule, which basically comes in the form of etreme behavior like self-burning. turmoil, the state of rulelessness,thus started.

  but where's the society? has it ever done something to stop the tragedy? no! all we can see is silence till the burning day.and the worse is yet to come. in the case of zhang inpin, a depressed boy who jumped out of the building to death because of wowing from the spectators.society simply facilitates the sad end by inducing the victim to the etreme.

  throw the cards of neglect and instigation into the trash bo, and we get the trump. that is the care for others. if weng biao had been given a chance to pour his worry to somebody and that person offered to lend a hand, the fire could probably have been avoided even though the demolition went on. why? because a sense of being cared about is gained. weng, formerly fought by himself, now found something to rely on. similarly, if the society approaches the etremist-to-be, listens to his suffering and does some supportive things (comforting words, donation.., an ything will do), the horrible decision, once as stiff as a poker,will mostly be given up.

  yet, the problem is not over. what if the etreme behavior really happens? which role should the society play?

  first, the dignity of the victim himself deserves full respect.blaming the victim for his stupidity only irritates the kind of people sharing the same suffering.

  second, the cause of the event should be publicized if it has anything to do with most people's interest. otherwise, rumors will erode people's trust in the society while turmoil can well be stirred up by the widespread aniety.

  last, the problem that brings about the tragedy is supposed to get a solution. it can be the establishment and modification of laws, or simply more attention to the group of people in need.

  it counts how we do to curb the etreme behavior for the sake of social stability. the best policy, as i said before, is to care for the people in trouble, make the event known to the public if necessary and heal the defect hidden behind.

大学英语作文 篇2

  Good manners are necessary, for one is judged by his manner. A person's manner not only shows what kind of education, he has received, his social status, but they also often indicate what he has.

  Good manners means good communication in society. A man of good manners is always a good companion, for he is always in the thoughts of others and of others. He did not force his way through the crowd, but waited for his turn to advance quietly. Politeness is not a particularly advanced story, but they can tell you who owns them is the highest standard.

  Good manners, all the first time we have to remember, they respond to other people and ways from their daily actions, his way, his behavior in front of people. To be a good presence, he has to be truly polite and respectful to others. In short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.




大学英语作文 篇3

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Good morning! I am Oscar, the spokesman of the Students‘ Union. On behalf of the Students‘ Union, the main organizer of today‘s sports meeting, I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. After two months‘ preparation, our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.

  Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers. Though they have many school responsibilities, they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities. Let‘s give them a big hand. Through sports, we can not only develop our physical prowess, but also promote social and emotional skills, and even intellectual skills, which will matter in our future lives substantially. So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.

  At last, best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes. It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting. Thank you and good luck!

大学英语作文 篇4

  They are having a rich life and indulging their last few years in school. They can be easily spotted as they are hurrying on their way to library with books in their arms, organizing an arts festival with other Students’ Union members, or even goggling in their dormitories. As they will be bread-winners in a few years, what do they think of their career?

  With no doubt,, they have made some preparations for their career. Concerning about future career plan, they can be divided into 2 groups. The first group decides to work immediately after graduation. In this case, they do not expect high payment at first, 20xx to 3000 is appropriate. They tend to accumulate as much experience as they can, while the other group prefers to go on further education. They believe “Knowledge is power” and further education is a good way to enrich their knowledge. Certainly they expect higher salary than the former group, maybe around 4000 at first. But there is uncertainty that there maybe fiercer competition as they hunt for jobs later.

  There shows combined opinions on the importance of quality and experience. Some think experience can only be amounted on the basis of quality, but rich experiences can never parallel with strong ability. However, the opposition against this says rich experiences can give one a hand in quickly adapting to new environment. Meanwhile, experiences can also enhance one’s ability. Still another side considers both of equal importance.

  Despite the differences, they still have a lot in common. Both groups realize the extreme imbalance between job supply and demand. With many people fighting tooth and nail to get just a few posts, the job market is already tough. The situation becomes worse with more and more college graduates nowadays. One must has certain advantage over others to win the competition. They have more or less the same ideas when choosing a job as well. Most say they will jump at the chance of working in a post with great prospects, with interest and salary rank second and third. But even if they are recruited, they know there are various difficulties ahead. Economically speaking, at the beginning the work is not stable and receive low payment. Psychologically, it takes some time to adjust to a new environment, especially if the jobs are irrelevant to their majors. Moreover, it will be a great challenge for them to handle complicated interpersonal relationships properly. Conflicts of different values between colleagues, the right attitude towards future bosses are the most concerned hurdles. Personal problems also come into play. Lack of experience and creativity are considered huge shortcomings. Meanwhile, they are also worried their abilities can’t meet their high expectations.

  Although job-hunting will be a harsh lesson for the college students to learn, they still keep a positive attitude: work hard, play hard and study hard. The harsh reality is in some way a blessing in disguise. It gives these young people motivation to learn as much as they can, for eventually the best of best will win a bright future.










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