
2021-03-26 英语作文


描写秋天的英语作文 篇1

  Autumn wind, there is a box of colorful crayons. Look, he painted the leaves yellow, yellow leaves drift floating, drifting away the red sun.

  The wind of autumn brings the smell of sweet smell. Pear is fragrant, apples sweet, this sweet smell of smell, brought the peasant uncle's laughter.

  The wind of autumn has a golden flute. It tells everyone, quickly prepared for the winter it! Small frogs quickly dig holes, ready to sleep on the United States and the United States a big sleep. Rows of geese row of good team, catch up with the clouds, go to the south.

  The wind of the autumn came hastily from afar and rushed to the distance.

描写秋天的英语作文 篇2

  Autumn, cool breeze. The autumn girl walked slowly and gentlely!

  Autumn girl laughing Yingying walk in the field, she easily picked a wild chrysanthemum from the fields, on the nose, suddenly, fragrant, autumn girl exposed a sweet smile.

  Autumn girl walking in the orchard, she also deliberately brought a cup of Ganlu sprinkled in the orchard, so that Apple baby, pear baby, become more sweet and more beautiful and then the farmer's face has long been happy to open the flowers, and autumn girl also exposed A happy smile.

  When the autumn girl walking in the woods, the leaves have become golden yellow, have falling, like a golden butterfly flying in the air. Beautiful! Autumn girl to see it all very happy, happy to play in the forest!

  Can be cry girl also cry, when she saw the branches bare, lawn when yellow, she will cry, and that drizzle is her drop and drop of pity tears!

  Autumn is golden! Autumn is beautiful! Autumn is my favorite season!

描写秋天的英语作文 篇3

  Golden wind to send cool, autumn girl walked the pace of light came to the world, see, she wants to open an event.

  Ginkgo leaves are golden, like a small fan, proudly said: "Look! I was away from the innate hot!" Maple leaves are not convinced, said: "Look! I like a red fire, but also like A dagger star, but also like the children's palm it! Wind blowing me, I can waving with the children! "Now chrysanthemum openings, said:" look at my flowers, some white snow, some Huang Ruyu, and The powder is like a sunny, better than you, like a flower rainbow.

  "And when I was in the autumn, my skin was red and glowing, and it was very tasty." They won the show, and now the persimmon said, "I am better than you are in the autumn. Lanterns. "Pear also angry, said:" I am more than you are mainly because: First, I was golden yellow; Second, the wind blowing, I nodded to the people to say hello; Third, my face there are some acne "They quarreled with ...

  This is a lively event! Which guest do you like best? Come and make friends with them!










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