
2021-03-26 英语作文


中国英语作文 篇1

  "100 Li different wind, thousand li different vulgar." This sentence is really bad! The Spring Festival in Beijing is quite different from the Spring Festival in my hometown.

  In my hometown, the twelfth lunar month after sixteen days, the working people must get home, make preparations for the new year. There are colorful firecrackers on the street.

  The twelfth lunar month twenty be busy, all the thing in the home to wash out, home tidy up, but the Spring Festival with a Everything looks fresh and gay. scene.

  We are like ants to the twelfth lunar month Ershijiuyi, like running. The people of the whole village got up early and went to the gathering to buy things that were used in the past year. Every family to buy fifty or sixty pounds of pork, two big tofu, do a lot of delicious.

  The new year's Eve, every family in the chickens to kill ducks. Ten miles away can smell the smell of blood. Early in the morning, the men and the children took the chickens and ducks to the small temple near the river, and killed the chickens and ducks on the stone lions. When he came back to his door, all the women cooked hot water. After the chicken and duck are cooked, the couplets begin. Each couplet is pasted with a homemade rice paste. Next is the "fried date", the children go to the kitchen, both hands to grab a lot of running, the children like the Spring Festival is one of the reasons is this. In the evening, people put on new clothes. After sleeping, the man has to get up at three or four a.m. and open the door cannon. There must be a red light in the night, and it must be 35 days.

  At the beginning of the first month of the month, the family was so quiet that only a few old people sat watching TV. The young lads are climbing to pray for the coming year, or be promoted step by step.

  At the beginning of the month of the month two, she went to grandma's home for a new year. A lot of grandmother's family, walk to one, eat one. The stomach seems to be broken. At the beginning of the month is eight, nine, ten of the three days is a culmination of the new year. Every household prepares tribute to greet the Bodhisattva. I take a flag with some good friends, and my father and the old man carry the Bodhisattva. It is said that the child can read very well, and the adult will make a fortune. Where the Bodhisattva is, there is the sound of firecrackers. We are the children always afraid of fireworks hit, let them later on, each to a place to stop, we will be burning tears. People have hung red envelopes on the necks of the Bodhisattva.

  After the three days, everyone was busy. The children are also waiting for school.

中国英语作文 篇2

  Just as Christmas Day to the westerners, Spring Festival is the most important time to us Chinese.

  Spring Festival is usually in February, but this year, it started on January 28th.

  As usual, I went to my grandparents’ home with my dad and mum to celebrate it. A big family gathered there, eating “New Year’s Eve dinner” around a big round table. Traditionally, we have drinks and chaffy dishes. During the dinner, grandparents may give us red-packets, and we should say something happy and lucky to them. This New Year, for I had caught a cold, my first wish to ourselves was to be always healthy. After dinner, it was the most exciting thing on this eve, yes, that was to set off fireworks. We first lit some small ones to have a experiment. But all my cousins were so scared that they didn’t want to do it by themselves. Instead, they went up to the living room and watched me through the window from a distance. Yes, it was me that did it. On such occasions, it is always my job to light the fireworks and I really enjoy it. The fireworks were so beautiful and seemed magic. I was sorry that my vocabularies were so limited that I could found no words to describe it but recalled the fantastic moment again and again. They were of different colors, shining, up and down. First, it rose from the ground like a rocket with a long glowing tail. Then, it disappeared in the darkness up in the sky. In a blink of an eye, it appeared like a blooming of a flower, the light turned bigger and bigger, soon painted the sky into red. How magnificent!

  Of course, the next thing to do was to watch the program on CCTV 1. It is a tradition among Chinese.

  At that moment, the time seemed to move so fast, not long after, the clock had already struck 12 times while so many crackers exploded outside.

中国英语作文 篇3

  On that day, two students came together to discuss very fierce. The United States regards love as the core concept of education, this love comes from small to large, carved into the bone marrow of religious culture, namely, universal love......" An American boy speaks in fluent American english. "China since ancient times advocated the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius love, fraternity, this is the root of Chinese ethics." A Chinese student answer book.

  Indeed, in the United States, this kind of love is highly valued and respected for the students' personality, personality and development. In addition, the school and the class culture poured in the practice, the various works in the classroom, students everywhere class training classes, aphorisms. There are 35 computer for teachers and students to access the Internet to find information in the classroom, there is almost no what formalism, the main feature is "real", to encourage students self-confidence, independence, individuality and innovation. Pay attention to classroom teaching wisdom and strategies, cultivate students' interest in learning, in my opinion, this not only allows students to grow in activities, in the growth of happiness, but also let students learn in happiness.

  And unlike American education, China's exam oriented education is not only rigid, old-fashioned, but also depressing human nature. In China, the question about Gen Gi Khan can be extended to: where was Gen Gi Khan born? When did you attack Europe? What year did you die? What is the merit? What's the point?...... And all questions have standard answers. The European and American style extends to: if Gen Gi Khan hadn't attacked Europe, what would be the changes in Europe today? This is clearly an open topic, focusing on children's autonomy, personality and innovation.

  Chinese parents for children's summer vacation arrangements are a variety of cram school, counseling classes. Compared with the rich and colorful summer vacation of American children, the summer vacation of Chinese students will inevitably appear monotonous and boring. A few days ago, micro-blog has a widespread post, a list of 100 things that American students want to do this summer, including "slumber party, go camping, to explore the base, go to the library, baking cookies, do the housework with a smile......" 100th of them express the most important goal of American summer students -- having fun! It is understood that primary and secondary school summer vacation generally in June to September, probably about a hundred days.

  Once I saw a news on the Internet, a campus in the United States for the weather is too good to have a day off. Sampson, the president of the school, confirmed the truth. He said children need to enjoy the holiday, so that they can be energetic and show the liveliness of childhood. Children can have fun on this day, but at the same time they can't forget their homework - take a beautiful picture back to school.

  When can Chinese education be so humanized? Chinese education needs to be improved, the integration of Chinese and Western culture, improve the way of education to develop the talents of each child, whether it is high or low to what extent, and for each child, civic awareness, this is my dream, my dream Chinese!

中国英语作文 篇4

  i think everyone knows china.

  china has a long history ,the first period is ia dynasty,its full name is people republic of china. our country has famous things ,for eample there are many famous universities especially beijing university and qinghua university the other hand ,our country has many famous people master of science and doctor of literature.such as hualuogeng luun and chengjinrun and so on .when spring festival is coming many people will visit their best friend ,china has many famous media for eample cctv china has many famous palaces such asyellow river and great wall.however beijing is capital of china beijing is a interesting place.because in the 29th olympic gameswill be held in beijing .to make it the best ever games the capital city will make several big change.

  the olympic motto is "faster, higher ,stronger" the people of beijing and of the whole country will prepare to light the olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world.

中国英语作文 篇5

  "When a guest comes to my home from afar on a cold night I light bamboo to boil tea to offer him." — Ancient Chinese poem.

  China is the home country of tea. Before the Tang Dynasty Chinese tea was exported by land and sea first to Japan and Korea then to India and Central Asia and in the Ming and Qing dynasties to the Arabian Peninsula. In the early period of the 17th century Chinese tea was exported to Europe where the upper class adopted the fashion of drinking tea. Chinese tea—like Chinese silk and china—has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. At the heart of the culture of tea—the study and practice of tea in all its aspects—is the simple gesture of offering a cup of tea to a guest that for Chinese people today is a fundamental social custom as it has been for centuries. China traces the development of tea as an art form to Lu Yu known as "the Saint of Tea" in Chinese history who lived during the Tang Dynasty and who wrote The Book of Tea the first ever treatise on tea and tea culture. The spirit of tea permeates Chinese culture and throughout the country there are many kinds of teas teahouses tea legends tea artifacts and tea customs. Better-known places to enjoy a good cup of tea in China include Beijing noted for its variety of teahouses; Fujian and Guangdong provinces and other places in the southeast of China that serve gongfu tea a formal serving of tea in tiny cups; the West Lake in Hangzhou also the home of the Tea Connoisseurs Association noted for its excellent green tea; and provinces in southwest China like Yunnan where the ethnic groups less affected by foreign cultures retain tea ceremonies and customs in original tea-growing areas.



中国英语作文 篇6

  Disney company is famous around the world. Every year it produces many cartoons and are favored by the children. Many years ago, the Chinese strong character Mulan was brought to the screen by Disney. Many foreigners started to know more about China and they were attracted by the Chinese features.


  There was a Chinese sauce in the movie, in order to make the cartoon successful, Disney company put forward this sauce in the market. American people spoke highly of this sauce, they liked it so much. Recently, the sauce was put forward again and so many American people came to the shop. As the sauce was limited, they protested outside the shop, which needed the police to keep the order.


  With the boom of Chinese market, more and more foreigners come to visit China and they are attracted by not only its delicious food, but also the long history. As there are more Chinese elements in the Hollywood movies, the world want to search more about this big old country. The new technologies such as Alipay, and high speed train surprise them. The output of Chinese culture makes this country stronger.


中国英语作文 篇7

  health gains in developing countries

  from the graph we can see the health gains in developing cotmtries. in l960, the average life span or life epectancy was only 40 years old. in 1990, after thirty years, the life epectancy rose to 60. at the same time, with the life epectancy going up, the infant mortality is coming down. in 1960 the infant mortality was 200 deaths per 1000 births. that is, about 200 infants died at birth among 1000 babies born. in 1990, the infant mortality declined to 100 deaths per 1000 births.

  what are the reasons for this situation? i think it lies in three respects. first, economy is developing as time progresses. people am better off than before. second, education plays an important role. people are better educated and more civilized. they are more aware that good health ensures success in life and work, third, the government pays more attention to the protection of the environment. more measures are being taken to deal with the problem of pollution. that is why life epectancy is on the rise and infant mortality on the decline.




中国英语作文 篇8

  Since the implementation of reform and opening up policy in mainland China in 1978, changes in society, economy, ideology, humanities and even politics have never been seen in Chinese history. The economic environment, the educational environment, the values and the population distribution have changed greatly.

  Since the implementation of reform and opening policy on the economy, China, economic development has made great progress, the gross national product (GDP) in less than 30 years, an increase of more than 25 times, the overall size of the economy has surpassed Germany, ranked third in the world (only in the United States and Japan). But at the same time, the two level of polarization between the rich and the poor is serious.

  In today's China, though college education is more popular, the number of college students who have enrolled and graduated every year has increased significantly, but in fact, education is facing an unprecedented "commercialization" and "industrialization" crisis. The center of all people's life begins to revolve around money and material. The traditional social morality and ethical values are no longer considered, even mocked and spurned. This brings great problems and crises in social security and family and marriage.

  Now Chinese is also experiencing large population migration hitherto unknown, the so-called "three drift" phenomenon: one is a large number of rural population to Beijing, Tianjin and other places to move, two is to Shanghai as the center of the Yangtze River Delta is the three mobile, to Guangzhou as the center of the Pearl River Delta mobile.

  In all aspects of the changes in China, the state has also changed its previous religious policies. The family church has provided a certain space for the development of domestic church, so the family church has also undergone great changes and development. The overseas magazine media reports that the Chinese family church is experiencing 7 changes and has its own characteristics in the model.

  From the countryside to the city, this is the most remarkable and new change. Many urban family churches are showing vigor and rapid development with young, highly educated and energetic party. From coastal to inland, the more developed coastal family church tradition, the western missionaries and early activities in the area concerned. In many of China's inland areas, even among ethnic minorities, the spread of the gospel and the establishment of the church have been greatly developed.

  From grassroots to multilevel, today's gospel is no longer a belief of civilians with a low educational level and at the grass-roots level of the society. It has become a research topic in many universities, and also a popular belief among college students, professors and white-collar workers. The urban churches, dominated by intellectuals, were set up in cities and grew rapidly. The integration of many "returnees" Christians also played an important role in the transformation and development of urban family churches.

  From single to pluralistic, in the past, Chinese churches were basically single (non sectarian) in terms of sectarianism, and basically conservative in theological thoughts. Such a situation is changing. With the influx of various sects and theological ideas and ideas from abroad, Chinese family churches have also changed from single to pluralistic. From receiving to paying, when Chinese economy, especially the development of coastal economy, has developed, the believers of Chinese churches have made great progress in giving money and giving resources, especially in the Church of Wenzhou. The disaster relief in Sichuan has become a concentrated expression of the participation of Chinese family churches in social care and love.

  From domestic to overseas, many families in the church is across the border, to neighboring countries sent missionaries to carry out the gospel mission. Although the number of people is still in the minority, "the gospel into China, the gospel out of China" is becoming the vision and mission of more and more Chinese believers. Among them, from Wenzhou and Fujian area due to emigration of Christians, or to do business overseas, and more enthusiasm into the construction conditions and the local Chinese Church and missionary.

  From the close to the cooperation, in the past, because of the historical and political environment and many other reasons, the Chinese family churches are mostly not reciprocal. And now the situation is changing. Especially in the emerging churches in the city, facing the regional even national prayer meeting, and the camp and propaganda workers, there began to be cooperation between the churches. Cross system theological training, worker training, and so on, also appear more and more.

  In the process of marching and developing to the city, the family church has formed a very typical model of development. The phenomenon of "series" and "parallel" is obvious. The so-called "series" refers to one or more full-time on his staff, led more than a dozen parties, forming a vertical type feed management mechanism; the so-called "parallel", refers to the different church between the "horizontal connection", or a church planting out many churches, the plain independently, but there is often a joint meeting between his staff, and the Ministry of cooperation.

  The clergy have good cultural accomplishment, and the theology of equipment. Many people graduated from colleges and universities, give up very good career and personal future commitment to God's call, with a strong sense of mission, and by many underground seminaries or network Seminary, accept the systematic theology of equipment. Some people even go back home after receiving theological equipment abroad, and the spiritual vision and theological attainment of the church personnel are greatly improved compared with the past.

中国英语作文 篇9

  china, one of the cradles of human civilization, possesses so many treasures with chinese characteristics that numerous foreign friends come to visit her.

  the first place to go to is, the great wall, which is the symbol of china and one of the seven wonders in the world. whats more, it is said to be the only construction that can be seen from the outer space. in the imperial periods, it was used in defense of the dynasties. since liberation, it has become a place of interest. there is a famous saying: "he who does not reach the great wall isnt a true man."

  china is home to panda, an animal with only two colors, white and black, but very cute. its our national treasure, often functioning as a friendly diplomat. terracotta-clay warriors unearthed in ian, a famous ancient city-were sculptured in qin dynasty, the first dynasty of china. when former u.s. president clinton came to china, he visited terracotta’s first. the above mentioned are just a wave of the sea. if you want to know more about this ancient nation, come and be our guest.










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