
2020-06-25 导游词


  甜面包山位于瓜纳巴拉湾(Guanabara Bay)入口处,是里约的象征之一。由两个山头组成,一个象立起的面包,另一个象平放的面包,加上山的表面光滑,好像抹上了糠浆,故名为“甜面包山”。甜面包山高394米,登上山顶可将里约全景尽收眼底。 Sugarloaf Mountain is located in Guanabara Bay (Guanabara Bay) at the entrance, is one of the symbols of Rio. Formed by two hills, one bread, as erected, and the other like a flat bread, plus mountain smooth surface, seems to cast a bran slurry, therefore called for "Sugar Loaf Mountain." Sweet bread, 394 meters high mountain, the Peak can be climbed panoramic views of Rio.

  科巴卡巴纳海滩被称为世界上最有名的海滩,海岸沿线长达4.5公里,海水蔚蓝,浪花雪白,沙滩洁净松软,加上终年气温适宜戏水,游人络绎不绝。近海处永远翻腾着大浪,蓝色的浪谷和白色的.浪峰此消彼长,一次次涌来,在阳光下如同一幅幅鲜艳无比的油画。五彩缤纷的阳伞和五颜六色的游泳衣,把沙滩点缀得绚丽多姿,随处可见身材惹火的比基尼女郎也是里约海岸一景。 Copacabana beach is known as the world's most famous beaches along the coast up to 4.5 kilometers, the sea is blue, white surf, beach clean and soft, coupled with temperatures suitable for playing in the water year round, visitors flock. Always churn the offshore big waves, blue waves and white crest bearing that in mind, a second coming, in the sun as an immense painting brightly colored pieces. Colorful umbrellas and colorful swimsuits to the beach too many splendours dotted everywhere build hot bikini girl is also a scene in Rio coast.


  该塑像建于1931年,高30米(相当于13层楼高),重1145吨。仅其头部就高3.75米、重30吨;左右两手手指顶端之间距离为28米;两臂面积约 38平方米,重114吨;塑像基座面积为100平方米。有公路和登山火车可直达山顶,天气晴朗时登高远眺,里约全市和沿岸海滩美景尽收眼底

  Corcovado mountainous (also known as Camelback Mountain, or Jesus) high 710 meters, located in Rio City, tijuca National Park. The mountains and ancient trees, lush all year round. Corcovado mountainous first name comes from its shape, the individual seems to bulge the back hump of people; second individual names because there is a peak plastic arms start, similar to the cross of Christ, like, Jesus, also known as mountain . A huge statue of Jesus in every corner of the city can be seen, is one of the symbols of Rio. The statue was built in 1931, 30 meters high (equivalent to 13 stories) and weighs 1145 tons. Only his head will be high 3.75 meters and weighs 30 tons; about the distance between the top two-handed finger 28 meters; arms area of about 38 square meters and weighs 114 tons; a statue of the base area of 100 square meters. There are road and mountain trains can reach the Peak, the weather was clear when the climb overlooking the Rio beautiful panoramic view of the city and coastal beach

  马拉卡纳足球场是为了举办1950年世界杯足球赛而兴建的。正确的名字是“马利欧飞柳新闻记者足球场”(Jornalista Mario Filho)以纪念当时这位最有名的体育新闻专栏作家。马拉卡纳足球场驰名国内外,可以说和耶稣山(Corcovado)及糖面包山(Pao de Acucar)一样,是里约热内卢这座美丽城市的象征之一。虽然球场在1950年启用,但整个足球场的兴建工程却是到了1965年才完工,成为当时全世界最大的足球场,草坪面积长110公尺,宽75公尺。

  马拉卡纳有一间“名人厅”(Hall da Fama),表扬曾在该球场上表现出色的50名球员,其中包括济科(Zico)、格林查(Garrincha)和罗马尼奥(Romario)。足球场旁边还设有“小马拉卡纳”(Maracanazinho)之称的久贝多卡多索体育馆(Ginasio Gilberto Cardoso)、谢力欧巴赫斯田径场(Estadio de Atletismo Celio de Barros)和久力欧德拉马雷水上乐园(Parque Aquático Julio Delamare)

  Maracana football field in order to host 1950 World Cup and built. The correct name is "Mario flying Liu journalists soccer" (Jornalista Mario Filho) to commemorate the most famous sports news columnist. Famous Maracana soccer at home and abroad, we can say with Jesus Mountain (Corcovado) and Sugar Loaf Mountain (Pao de Acucar), like this beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro one of the symbols. Although the stadium opened in 1950, but the overall construction of the soccer field is to be completed in 1965, becoming the world's largest football field, lawn area is a long 110 meters wide and 75 meters.

  Maracana has a "Hall of Fame" (Hall da Fama), in recognition of the pitch in the outstanding performance of the 50 players, including Zico (Zico), Green check (Garrincha) and Romagno (Romario). There is also football field next to the "Little Maracana" (Maracanazinho), known as a long Bedouin Cardoso Gymnasium (Ginasio Gilberto Cardoso), Xie Li Oubahesi track and field (Estadio de Atletismo Celio de Barros), and long-Force Europe and Germany Lamare Water Park (Parque Aquático Julio Delamare 狂欢节是巴西最大的节日,但最负盛名的当属里约热内卢的狂欢节。该市狂欢节以其参加桑巴舞大赛演员人数之多,服装之华丽,持续时间之长,场面之壮观堪称世界之最、

  Carnival is Brazil's largest holiday, it was undoubtedly the most famous carniv

  al in Rio de Janeiro. The city's carnival samba competition for its actors to participate in number of people, clothing of the ornate, sustained length of time, and the scene of the spectacular rated as the world's most

  奇久卡国家公园是全世界最大的都市森林。距里约热内卢市中心20公里,适合进行各种运动,并设有瞭望台可以俯瞰美丽的市景。里约热内卢主要的景点都在国家公园内,如耶稣山(Corcovado)和平台石(Pedra da Gavea)。公园内也有访客中心、视听教室、会议室、图书馆、快餐店和餐厅。7月至9月间,是走公园步道的最佳时节,因为冬天的时候比较少下雨。不过,夏天的视野比较好。奇久卡国家公园对环境和文化的重要性非凡,是以1992年联合国环境发展研讨会假里约热内卢举行时,亦成为活动的象征。 最让人想象不到的是,奇久卡森林是一片再生林。18世纪末,整片原始森林被砍伐,那里只有咖啡园和甘蔗园。森林水源间接受到严重破坏的缘故,令里约热内卢开始缺水。唐彼德二世皇帝惊觉事态的严重,遂于1881年下令栽种再生林,在该地区中了约8万株树苗,吸引猴子、懒猴、鸟类等原生动物重返森林。 Odd Djuka National Park is the world's largest urban forest. Rio de Janeiro, 20 km from the city center, suitable for all sorts of campaigns, and has an observation deck overlooking the beautiful city views. The main attractions in Rio de Janeiro in national parks, such as the Jesus Mountain (Corcovado) and platform Stone (Pedra da Gavea). The park also has a visitor center, audio-visual classrooms, conference rooms, library, fast food shops and restaurants. Between July to September, is the best time to go park trails, because in winter, when less rain. However, the summer outlook is better. Odd Djuka National Park, environmental and cultural importance of the extraordinary, is based on the 1992 United Nations Conference on

  Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, when false, has also become a symbol of the activities. Most people can not imagine that the odd long Kasen Lin is a regeneration of forest. The 18th century, entire forests had been cut down, where there are coffee plantations and sugar cane. Indirect water severely damaged the forest's sake, so that Rio de Janeiro began to dry. Tang Emperor Peter II, shocked the serious state of affairs, subsequently in 1881, ordered the planting of renewable forest, in the region of about 80000 seedlings to attract monkeys, lazy monkeys, birds and other protozoa to return to the forest.












四川峨眉山导游词 黄山的导游词