我的寒假计划 My winter vacation plan

2020-04-12 寒假计划

我的寒假计划 My winter vacation plan1

  Today's holiday, half a year of very happy school life as fast as a dream passed, I reluctantly bid farewell to the school, ushered in the new winter holiday.


  In the new holiday, I also have my new plan:


  1、 Write your composition very well, use more words and sentences, observe more and think more.

  1、 把你的作文写得很好,多用单词和句子,多观察,多思考。

  2、 Practice your words well and write more carefully.

  2、 把你的话练好,写得更仔细。

  3、 To read, one should read out feelings and momentum.

  3、 要阅读,一个人应该读出情感和动力。

  4、 Read more extracurricular books and increase knowledge.

  4、 多读课外书,增加知识。

  Please supervise me, I will be better.


我的寒假计划 My winter vacation plan2

  I want to have a good time during this winter vacation,so on the beging of my vacation,I made a vaction plan.

  First I would spend some time on reading englist books ,for example ,<>,<> ,<> and so on.Secondly,I had to help my mom do some housework.On my school time ,mom do almost all the boring jod,she is so hard.I as a daughter have to do something to help mom.Third,I want to do some exercise.Maybe you feel confused why a girl as me want to do exercise during her winter vacation.Ok,let me tell you the truth,I am so fat that I have to do some exercise to keep fit.

  So this is my winter vacation plan,what about yours?

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我的寒假计划 15篇10-28









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