
2022-04-14 关于蜜蜂的作文


  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇1

  This afternoon, I came to rape flowers to watch the beautiful rape flowers.

  I suddenly found a rape on a mass of dark things. I looked carefully, it turned out to be a bee picking honey.

  This bee is only as big as the tip of our little finger, it's khaki. It has two small yellow balls on its waist, just like two small satchel. As they keep gathering pollen, the two little bags will grow bigger. So this is its pollen basket, and the pollen is stored in it. The bees kept collecting pollen, but it did not eat them immediately, but was prepared to bring them back to the hive. Until the two pollen basket had 1/3 of its body and no longer contained a grain of pollen, it flew back into the hive. It must be tired today. It's time to have a good rest. I'm not going to pick it up again, I thought.

  But the truth is beyond my expectation. In less than a few minutes, the bee flew out of the hive and saw that the pollen basket was shrunken and acted more quickly. It flew back into the rape bushes and began to pick pollen carefully. Picked up the pollen, and it flew back to the hive again and again - and again and again, as if never tired.

  The unexpected meeting with bees this afternoon has given me a better understanding of the seemingly insignificant bee. Hard-working bees really is the real thing, worthy of our Study hard!

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇2

  Bees are said to be the hardest workers in biology. It is a highly gregarious insect that is a good helper for human beings.

  When they collect nectar, they are bound with a lot of pollen, flying between the flowers, inadvertently spread the pollen for plants, so that crops increase production and improve quality, so people call bees "plant matchmaker""

  Not only are bees industrious, but also their language is unique. Let me tell you this: they do not communicate information by means of sounds like ours, but rather by dancing to communicate information to each other. Because the bees are nectar for food to survive, so their honey will generally convey such information, if the head up to dance, "said the sun" should find nectar; if the jump in the shape of "8" dance, said nectar plants in distant places; if fly in circles that dance. In the vicinity of nectar plants.

  The bee is divided into two kinds: queen bee and worker bee. Queen bee is like a king of the Kingdom, mainly laying eggs and producing tens of millions of grains every day. Worker bees are workers and brave guardians. Their main job is to gather honey. A bee is the voice of "buzz" sound, like a beautiful song.

  Let us remember and learn them, industrious bees.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇3

  Tell us a story! The story is about a little bee arguing with his partner and leaving the colony in a rage. He left the colony and was so lonely because he didn't have a partner. He was very annoyed at the memory of what had happened with his fellows.

  Small bees remember one thing: one day, small bees and other bee bee quarrel, mother told little bee said: "be kind and generous, do not return, if all people are fighting for a little thing, what will become of this world, I do not ask others can do a lot of tolerance, do not return, but I hope you can do today I say to you if you can keep in mind, do what we think of the consequences, to carry forward the spirit of going out." From a small bee to do not return, kind and generous, will think of the consequences before doing things to do, remember what my mother said in the heart, every time a small bee quarrel, it will use the words mom teach other bees.

  The little bee thought and thought and cried. It thought, "how did you forget your mother's words this time?". The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. He went back to the bee colony and apologized to his friends and apologized to his mother, and everyone forgave him. He lived in peace with his companions.

  The story is over. This story tells us that a man should be magnanimous, do not ask for repayment, and work for the consequences.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇4

  Today, after school, my mother took me to the garden to watch the bees.

  I saw a busy bee flitting about and spreading pollen among the flowers. I also see a bee may be too tired, lie in the pistil sleep.

  Bees use its 6 little feet, like holding watermelon, clinging to the pistil, and then use small mouth spines, thorns to the pistil, suck honey.

  I came closer and looked - wow, the stripes on the bees were black and white, like the smallest Panther skin.

  I know from the book: bees are invertebrate insects, and its big eyes are on both sides of the head, and it also has 3 pairs of feet and 2 pairs of wings.

  Although we can learn a lot from books, it is not as wonderful as we have seen. Ah, I like industrious bees.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇5

  Some people say that industrious bees have no time for sorrow. Yes! We humans have to learn the spirit of bees. If you do what you do, you'll reap what you have done.

  On the contrary, if you don't work hard, you will fail. The life of a bee is short, but it is very fulfilling for a bee. In addition to work, work, never rest and take breath. Because they know their life is too short to waste a minute or two. We are greatly different, some people spend the day Chihepiaodu, lead a gay life, cynical. Bees are about the size of a fly, but they are far superior to flies. Their honey in sweat, the spirit of generosity to mankind, is worth learning.

  Bees depend on their eyes to pick up the road. It is said that one scientist put 10 bees on a vacant land 1000 meters away. Three days later, 7 of them went home. Therefore, experiments have proved that bees recognize the road with their eyes. Bee, I love your diligence, wisdom and unity.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇6

  Spring flowers, everything recovery. The flowers in a riot of colour flashed in the tiny figure. "Buzz", "buzz", a bee flew to pollen. Such a tiny body hides a great spirit - diligence, persistence.

  The sun is high, we may still sleep in the bed, but the little bee has got up early, flew into the flowers, began her busy and hard day. She sat on the flower honey, a flower and a flower, she never lazy, nor the slightest neglect of love, her forehead covered with sweat, but she did not rest, continue to fly. She flew for a ride, picking flowers and flowers, and she kept on doing her work - picking honey.

  What a great little thing! She is hard-working, holding, pick a little honey, from every flower in May, dozens of flower honey are not enough to finish her task, but this little things still insist on doing, never slack off, it is because she knows a truth, and has been in practice the truth: the world is difficult if you put your heart into it. This principle is understood by all, but I would like to ask, through the ages, there are a few people can really practice him, stick to him?

  Let's learn from the bees, let's sing her praises, remember her - the little bee.

  As a student, we should, like bees, draw knowledge from books, find sailing lights in the ocean of knowledge, and find the truth in life. As long as perseverance, as long as persistent, serious, will be able to open up a new world for themselves.

  蜜蜂的`英语作文 篇7

  This afternoon, I came to rape flowers to watch the beautiful rape flowers.

  I suddenly found a rape on a mass of dark things. I looked carefully, it turned out to be a bee picking honey.

  This bee is only as big as the tip of our little finger, it's khaki. It has two small yellow balls on its waist, just like two small satchel. As they keep gathering pollen, the two little bags will grow bigger. So this is its pollen basket, and the pollen is stored in it. The bees kept collecting pollen, but it did not eat them immediately, but was prepared to bring them back to the hive. Until the two pollen basket had 1/3 of its body and no longer contained a grain of pollen, it flew back into the hive. It must be tired today. It's time to have a good rest. I'm not going to pick it up again, I thought.

  But the truth is beyond my expectation. In less than a few minutes, the bee flew out of the hive and saw that the pollen basket was shrunken and acted more quickly. It flew back into the rape bushes and began to pick pollen carefully. Picked up the pollen, and it flew back to the hive again and again - and again and again, as if never tired.

  The unexpected meeting with bees this afternoon has given me a better understanding of the seemingly insignificant bee. Hard-working bees really is the real thing, worthy of our Study hard!

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇8

  Bees are said to be the hardest workers in biology. It is a highly gregarious insect that is a good helper for human beings.

  When they collect nectar, they are bound with a lot of pollen, flying between the flowers, inadvertently spread the pollen for plants, so that crops increase production and improve quality, so people call bees "plant matchmaker""

  Not only are bees industrious, but also their language is unique. Let me tell you this: they do not communicate information by means of sounds like ours, but rather by dancing to communicate information to each other. Because the bees are nectar for food to survive, so their honey will generally convey such information, if the head up to dance, "said the sun" should find nectar; if the jump in the shape of "8" dance, said nectar plants in distant places; if fly in circles that dance. In the vicinity of nectar plants.

  The bee is divided into two kinds: queen bee and worker bee. Queen bee is like a king of the Kingdom, mainly laying eggs and producing tens of millions of grains every day. Worker bees are workers and brave guardians. Their main job is to gather honey. A bee is the voice of "buzz" sound, like a beautiful song.

  Let us remember and learn them, industrious bees.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇9

  Tell us a story! The story is about a little bee arguing with his partner and leaving the colony in a rage. He left the colony and was so lonely because he didn't have a partner. He was very annoyed at the memory of what had happened with his fellows.

  Small bees remember one thing: one day, small bees and other bee bee quarrel, mother told little bee said: "be kind and generous, do not return, if all people are fighting for a little thing, what will become of this world, I do not ask others can do a lot of tolerance, do not return, but I hope you can do today I say to you if you can keep in mind, do what we think of the consequences, to carry forward the spirit of going out." From a small bee to do not return, kind and generous, will think of the consequences before doing things to do, remember what my mother said in the heart, every time a small bee quarrel, it will use the words mom teach other bees.

  The little bee thought and thought and cried. It thought, "how did you forget your mother's words this time?". The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. He went back to the bee colony and apologized to his friends and apologized to his mother, and everyone forgave him. He lived in peace with his companions.

  The story is over. This story tells us that a man should be magnanimous, do not ask for repayment, and work for the consequences.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇10

  Today, after school, my mother took me to the garden to watch the bees.

  I saw a busy bee flitting about and spreading pollen among the flowers. I also see a bee may be too tired, lie in the pistil, big sleep.

  Bees use its 6 little feet, like holding watermelon, clinging to the pistil, and then use small mouth spines, thorns to the pistil, suck honey.

  I came closer and looked - wow, the stripes on the bees were black and white, like the smallest Panther skin.

  Hee hee, leopard skin, but this year's most popular Oh!

  I know from the book: bees are invertebrate insects, and its big eyes are on both sides of the head, and it also has 3 pairs of feet and 2 pairs of wings.

  Although we can learn a lot from books, it is not as wonderful as we have seen. Ah, I like industrious bees.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇11

  Today is Sunday, and at noon my grandfather took me to his house to play with my brother. In the afternoon, Zhao Zhan and I had nothing to do and played in the flowers. I suddenly saw a bee flying on the lace, and I wanted to catch it. Because bees sting people, neither of us dare to grab it with our hands. I let Zhao Zhan go home and pick up a box. Zhao Zhan carried the box. I took the lid of the box. The two men grabbed the bee that was picking it up at the same time. When we got home, we cut off the wings with scissors, then put it in a box, and then shook the box. The bees were so tired that we couldn't stand.

  When Grandpa take a nap together, see we both get angry bees, Grandpa said to us: "the bees are beneficial insects, how can you hurt it?" My brother and I were ashamed and bowed our heads.

  We are not harm beneficial insects to protect insects!

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇12

  Today is a two-day weekend. In the afternoon, I went to catch bees with my little friends. I took an empty fruit juice bottle and a small long wooden stick. Then we went to the field together.

  When we came to the field, we started looking for bees. Soon I found the bees. Several bees were dancing in the rape fields. They seem to be picking honey. I think these bees are picking honey all by themselves It seems that I do not like to be with you, but to act alone. These bees are flying. What do I want to do? I don't have that ability. Find the bees again! I can catch bees that are parked on trees, or on walls, or through holes, or I can't catch them with my hands!

  Suddenly, I saw a bee fly to a tree and stop. Why, the bee is drilling into a small hole in that tree. Ha ha, I'm going to catch a bee! So, I ran quickly, and put the bottle to the hole. Then, slowly, I moved the bottle up to the side, exposing the hole a little. Then, I put the small stick into the hole. The bee climbed onto my stick. I climbed on the bee sticks slowly to stick out of the hole shift. When the stick came out close to the juice bottle, I quickly sent the stick to the bottle. Well, the bee fell into the bottle. I pulled it out of the bottle right away. The bees fly, fly it out of the bottle to. I'll cover it with a bottle top right away. I held the bottle to my friends. Everyone congratulated me with envy.

  A few bees stopped on the brick. We put the bottle mouth on the bee. The bee behaved so well that she climbed into the bottle herself.

  After more than 10 minutes, I caught four bees easily. Then I said to my partner, "well, let's just grab a few.". Because they have to be made by themselves." Everybody says, "OK."!" Then we went home.

  蜜蜂的英语作文 篇13

  Groups of bees work together to produce honey. Their great efforts are not selfish, however, as the amount of honey they produce is for an entire group rather than a single individual.

  The drawing above suggests that people should selflessly dedicate themselvesto their community as a whole. This spirit of dedication requires faith. Selfless hard work is an embodiment of responsibility and strength.

  The health of nations requires a spirit of devotion. Chinese teachers, doctors and athletes who all work for the benefit of their country, for example, aredevoting themselves regardless of fame or fortune. They are dedicated to the society they live within. No matter what type of job one holds, one should work hard and in earnest to improve ones community.

  The results of dedication, however, dependnot only on ones willingness to give but also on ones ability. If you are enthusiastic about devoting yourself to your country, but do not have the skills it takes to do so, you cannot effect much change. The more competent, one is, the greater ones contribution. Therefore, it is essential that students focus on their studies and enhance their skills in order to properly give back to society.












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