
2020-11-29 动物作文大全



  My house has a cat, it has a pair of triangular ears, round head, chubby body, the most interesting is its a pair of mustache, white hard, often stuck in front of the nose. It is said that the beard also measures the depth of the rat hole.

  The kitten is getting fatter and fatter every day. You don't think it's fat, but it catches mice to be nimble!

  Once, the mouse in our house started fighting again, "cheep! Gee!" The rats quarrelled and fought... The cat's ear moved, and came towards me, pulling my pant legs to the door, and staring at the crack of the door, as if to ask: "master, have you heard the pride of the mice? Let me go up, there's me, how can I let them be rampant?" I thought to myself, "I'd like to see your mousetrap. Why don't you go upstairs and have a look?" I opened the door, and the cat zoomed up the stairs, and I hurried on. The sound is getting louder and louder. I was so calm that I opened the little door to the attic. Even though I was very careful, I could not escape the sound of the door and the sound of footsteps. I just stepped in the door half a step, the mouse has no trace, "alas! Maybe we're in the rat hole again!" I sighed, muttering. The kitten went unhurriedly to the rat hole, measured the depth of the hole with his beard, and after the test, it "meow" and got into the hole and caught the mouse.

  Today the cat caught a mouse and let me see her energy. In order to reward her, I gave it a hot bath, and my mother bought a hot fish that I bought for her. She ate, and from time to time uttered a whimper, as if she were speaking of her own merit, as if thanking me for the reward. I am much happier for my due diligence.

  One: I like a small animal

  One of my favorite small animals was in the famous track and field competition, because of its persistence and untiring eventually won the first place, not to mention it is -- the tortoise.

  I not only like the spirit of the tortoise in the competition, but also like it in the life of the clever. There is such a true story around me: once, I went to my aunt's house to play, and when I walked in the door, I heard my aunt say, "look at that!" Originally, because her aunt did not buy the right tank so I put a big a little turtle in a sheng qing water in the basin and put a piece of stone, the turtle climbed up on top of the big turtle ran out from the basin, while the big turtle also lay out using rocks. The little turtle was so hungry for freedom that we sent the two turtles back to the jialing river.

  How long is the life of a turtle? The jury is still out. Generally speaking can live 100 years, according to related textual research also has more than 300 years, even have a thousand years, so the tortoise is also called longevity turtle. The tortoise is amphibious animal, like the cow and the sheep is to breathe with the lungs, the tortoise is the egg, it usually will climb up the beach at night, find a good position to dig the hole, and put the egg into the hole, bury good.

  The little turtle had a brown skin, and a yellow pattern was visible on the head and neck. The big head of the triangle was wide and wide. The small, bright gray eyes looked curiously around the world. The light yellow lid of the eyelid a close, lovely. The dark brown "armor" was divided into pieces by a few fine lines of the hexagonal shape, each of which had a smaller hexagon arranged in a neat arrangement. It's like a tree ring, and it's a couple of times.

  I like little turtle, because it has a lot of interesting fun that brings me joy, I experience life's interest and vitality from it.


  There are two rabbits at home. It was bought by my mother at the market last year. The two rabbits are a good boy and a strange one. The two rabbits, both lively and lovely, brought laughter and laughter to our family.

  It's black and white, like a big fluffy ball. He had a pair of long, thin ears on his head, and he listened to them as long as he could. The round face shone with a pair of ruby eyes. It has a round nose and a three-lobe mouth. Its limbs were short and thick, and the start was a jump. Its tail is round, like a small fluffy ball.

  Once, I picked up a bright red radish and put it on the head of the rabbit to play with it. See it immediately with a radish, put it on the ground, using the sensitive nose to smell, and then around the carrot sticks a circle, a lick think that's a turnip, then show a row of white teeth ate with relish. Finally he jumped up on the sofa and said, "ah! I'm full. I'm going to bed."

  Every time after a period of time, I found that feeds the two lovely darling I stupid always give I eat carrots, see strange round belly fell down, but darling is skinny. In recent days, that's always the case. It wasn't long before the rabbit's bedroom has a few little rabbit, at this moment I realized, originally I want to have babies, before darling take the initiative to give their own food to it, this is a how love rabbit!

  But they are also a pair of natural enemies, almost every day to fight in the heart just comfortable. Once they were fighting again, and I quickly stamped their feet beside them, and immediately they escaped to the bottom of the cupboard. He looked at his small head and looked at what was happening. He jumped out of the room, looking at nothing, and seemed to blame himself for being so timid!

  These two naughty little rabbits are so lively and lovely, I have to praise them!


  In the animal village, there is a tall tree, called the wishing tree, which has 24 kinds of small animals with different colors

  One afternoon, make a vow tree surrounded by small animals, walk into a look, turned out to be two little monkeys on the wishing tree, each picked a piece of leaf, vows but wishing leaf falling into their hands, immediately become withered leaves, and decay, and finally become a trace, kitten flower see, very unhappy said: 'what a pity leaves vows! If only I could be born again! 'voice was weak, picked those little monkey in the tree leaves and vows oh rebirth, a color of leaves fall down, and vows fell by the hand of the flower, and everyone was staring at hands of flower color of wishing, said:' why, she again we don't have! 'there is a sudden pink, leaves fall down, white leaf fall into vows to her (him), then the pig stupid to make a vow tree to a pair of wings, the little mouse to wishing tree to make a wig... There was only the last one left to make a wish, and the people shouted the same words: 'I wish every little animal of the world a happy growth! The last one was gone.

  The crowd was in a bad mood, looking at the withered tree wishing the tree. Lamb had thought of the book written, as long as the watering, fertilizing, the number will thrive, lamb told the story to a friend, friend told classmates again, in this way, going the rounds and hundreds of thousands, qian wan, small animals to make a vow tree every day watering, fertilization, slowly, slowly, wishing tree saved by small animals! Another 24 colors of wishing leaves!

  The little animals did not want anything for the wishing tree, for the little animals understood: the wishing tree dedicated itself, but also hurt itself!


  If I were a bird, I would fly into the sky. Shake your wings, fly with envy, wow! Free birds. A bird with a white feather. If I am a flying bird, I am not afraid of a thundering bird. I will have the light of tomorrow.

  If I were a kitten, an invisible cat. I will help earth people and protect the earth.

  Small animals are a real envy, because it protects people.


  When I was young, I like small animals, my mother to buy me a small rabbit, I can love, but every time have died a few days, I was very sad, why every time a small rabbit will die, maybe I was too small, or don't understand the method of small animals, mother will give threw the dead rabbit. When my mother threw a rabbit, I really wanted to cry, but I tried to bear it, and I thought to myself, if I grow up, I must have small animals. Dirty or disabled!

  In when I was 5 years old, I with my mother on the road, picked up a lovely white cat, then it is very dirty, but I don't abandon, because when I was a child I have said that I would keep small animals, no matter how is it! I've cleaned it up since I got my Mimi home. Let mom and dad don't abandon the poor kitten, but this cat is not obedient, every time my father a few times to see the cat defecate indiscriminately, and bites his clothes and slippers, but I am Mimi came back from the park to pick up, continue to keep in the home, but never to a month, I come back to school that Mimi has lost, I was crying, so cherish Mimi, why it still running?

  Yet another year, someone gave me a dog, my name is HELLO, it is a Beijing BaGou, dark, was the master of it is very good, because want to go abroad, didn't have, so they gave me, I really want to serious, I give me the original owner of the cover plates, bath towel, urine, towel... All the rooms are in the room. But I didn't have a couple of days when my mother gave her friends, saying that her friends love dogs more, saying I don't have time to keep them, and I have to learn. But...... But I have given up on the idea of having a dog because my mother always gives my pet dog to someone while I have a dog. I know my mother's idea, want me to study hard, don't put all your heart in dogs, like this might delay learning, but I really want to try the taste of the dog dog, now I grow up, don't put the dog died, but mother didn't listen. Until last year and I picked up a cat, the cat seems to be the wave of silk, I keep for a long time and my mother seemed to seem like the cat, always holding the Mimi walk around, and play with Mimi, but finally don't know where to go to, with another cat to play, I haven't seen my Mimi. If I have a chance to keep my dog, I will take good care of it!!


  When I start to take my favorite little animal, I'm going to give you a guess, what animal it is. "Small white, small white, long ears, small white, small white, short tail." What animal is it? Yes, it's a lovely little white rabbit.

  It had a pair of bright eyes, and red eyes like a jewel of red light; It was covered in a white and white fur, and the white fluff was as soft as cotton; It had four strong feet, and its four feet were as swift and swift as a powerful spring; It...... Listen to me, the little white rabbit is cute, isn't it?

  The little white rabbit is very cute when eating. It looked at the cabbage from top to bottom, as if wondering if the cabbage had expired. The small white rabbit to open after the play it is small and lovely small mouth, exhaled eating cabbage, eat cabbage looks fantastic, when it is eating, her cheeks, and like two meatballs is falling. The little white rabbit's head was turning east and west, and I thought the white rabbit might be looking for something more fresh. That's why he'll turn around and look west. The ears are long and vertical, may be listening to the enemy to grab things, good preparation...

  I remember one week on Saturday, I went to the park with my little white rabbit, but I remember happy and sad. A the little white rabbit came into the park, and happy to jump and jump, it makes me feel very happy, but the little white rabbit is so naughty he ran into the grass long very flourishing place, also can not find, if it weren't for I carefully looked at what places the grass on the move, may be forever I can't find it. But it is running too fast, a bit like a master also won't feel tired, it for me, running behind chasing, but slightly do not pay attention to, the little white rabbit will be run without a trace...

  Little white rabbit is really lovely, I love little white rabbit.


  As the saying goes: "qingming is a rainy day". In the qingming season, a large bamboo forest in front of my house added a touch of hazy color.

  At five or six o 'clock in the morning I got up and opened the window to breathe the fresh air. Many may still be asleep, but the window is a lively scene. The birds are singing merrily on the branches, and they compose the movement of spring with the sounds of nature. Here are their paradise, and sometimes they were in the branches, in the meadows, in the hills, and there was no place without them, and laughing and laughing. The bamboo trees in the bamboo forest provide a good hiding place for the birds, and sometimes the birds just don't show their body, just like we are playing hide-and-seek with us. A natural, peaceful, and peaceful natural scroll is alive and well in the woods. The squirrels were bouncing back and forth between the branches. They were the elves here. You need them here. They can't leave here. The little animals are the patron saint here. They take care of small, small trees and become big, sturdy trees. The little tender shoots of bamboo grow into sturdy, upright bamboo. Beat forever they are here, without them there would be no life, the tree for their lush, the bamboo for their tall and straight, grass green, due to their bamboo alive because of them.

  In recent years, humans have cut down trees and made small animals homeless! Some small animals have been killed by hunters and are on the verge of extinction because they have no hiding place. Let's protect trees and plant trees. Let the homeless animals reclaim their lost homes. Let a small animal get into nature.


  Do you know how crabs fight? Ha ha, if I do not know, it is from me, hu shuya to tell you! The crab fight is to get the crab Angle to clip together, sometimes play long time has not the strength, the opponent comes to attack it, give him a surprise, one foot of the other side is thus pulled out.

  Today, dad bought eight crab came back, the eight crab alive all was not a little tired, but have two strongest crab two "people" in the play, their two crab Angle with each "people" are out in force another "man" hands. I sit there and wait for them to be who wins and who loses, and then there is no one who wins and who loses, and then finally, the other one is pulled down completely.

  The winning crab seemed to say, "here I am their king." Other crabs seem to say, "why are you our king?" "Because I won," he said proudly, "so your boss is me." They discussed it, and I was elected.

  Do you think crab fights are fun?


  When you hear the word "duck", think of the animal with the yellow hair. That would be a mistake. The wild duck has a variety of colors, a variety of colors, a variety of colors, all black, black and white, lovely.

  The wild duck's posture is haughty! Its pace is not like other ducks, its pace is unbroken, big model, is a duck goose step!

  Not only is the wild duck out of the way, but it is also a first-class food.

  If in the flock of ducks, put a bit of duck food wild duck but first, it does not care about any other duck hungry and hungry, they will eat the grain. This time, when I went to feed the ducklings, the wild duck, called the ugly duckling, ran as fast as he could, and rushed at me with the hand of food. I hurriedly shrank back, out of a cold sweat, thinking: "this dead duck looks hungry crazy!

  Everybody! Do you like this wild water duck?


  I once had a puppy, whose name is tongtong.

  Tongtong is very beautiful and everyone likes it. Tongtong has a white coat like fur, very white and beautiful, little white minion, like four ♣ The small, cocked tail waggled like a pendulum; The large crystal eyes were always curious.

  Very interesting bunch ofred grapes to eat, I threw the bone in the air, it will immediately jump to bite, and picking up the bone back to their own taste in the "home", if someone from its' the bones in the hand is strong, it will ruthlessly stare at him, as if in warning him: if with me next time rob bones, I like you you're welcome. Tongtong likes to sleep most, if nothing is done, it will go back to its own "home", purring to sleep a lot of sleep.

  Tongtong is very human, but sometimes very naughty. Once I came home from school and saw the neighbor's chicken puffing and puffing. My anger came to it, really kicked it, bunch ofred grapes did not run away, but close by my side, drooping head, crystal big eyes stare at me, as if to say: "small master, give me a break! I'll never dare again." I saw it. It was so nice and funny. I forgave it. Tongtong saw that I forgave it, and made a few "wang wang", as if to say, "thank you, master." Since then it has not chased chickens and other small animals.

  Tongtong's vigilance is unusual, it has a special sensitive nose, can smell the smell of things outside of three, it always has to lower its head to smell when eating food. It also has a pair of ears, and every time it hears a special voice, its ears will always stand up and listen attentively outside! Therefore, people raise it to look at the gate, it is human's loyal best friend.

  Tongtong has the right limbs, it runs very fast, one minute can run two, three li road! Tongtong's eyes are not very good, about a mile away. So why does it see things? It depends chiefly on its nose.

  Tongtong is lively and lovely, so that I can't help walking forward, leaning down to touch its hairy head. He was obedient and rubbed his tail against my leg.

动物的童话故事作文 写动物的英语作文