
2021-02-27 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  In china, it is customary to pick up food for your guests, or anyone else dining with you. Whereas this may surprise foreigners, as dining is more individualistic in the West, it is a long-standing tradition and act of courtesy and consideration for Chinese people. It is seen to be taking care of others when you pick up a delicacy with your own chopsticks and put it in someone else's bowl. In this way, sharing of food is promoted and there is a closer connection to the people you are dining with. As people become more aware of hygiene, using one's own chopsticks is become less common, and most of the time, a communal server is used instead. However, this tradition is still being practised today, in most social dining events and even at home to show care and hospitality.

英语作文 篇2

  With the rapidly development of society,modern people are supposed to be mindful of the inter-personal relation in order to boost productivity or come a long way in the future.

  However,there are no denying that the misunderstanding always exist among people,the barrier which people have no alternative but to remove.Initialy,we must learn the reason why the misunderstanding appear among people.Sometimes,the sense of hornor may cause the conflict because of the profit between the two people.Alao,the same words in different situations could create different meanings,which is one of the most significant sources in the interrelationship among persons.

  To keep away from the quarrel,one of the best ways is to be helpful and optimistic.Calming,to some extent,can be hard to overstate the importance of it.After all,the cornerstone of argument is the collision which may be avoided,if there one of the individual is kind or good at the inter-personal skills.

英语作文 篇3





















英语作文 篇4





英语作文 篇5

  Task:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Sample answer:

  Schools are places where students acquire knowledge and skills needed for further achievements. Given the pressure that students are facing, some cannot help wondering whether art classes should still be compulsory.

  Those holding the view that art classes should not be compulsory might think that art consumes too much of students' time. Fierce competitions students will face When applying for universities necessitate total devotion to academic subjects. College students who intend to take science as their major are even expected to be fluent in foreign languages now so that essays written by foreign scholars are not barriers in their academic pursuit. In other words, high school students are supposed to show higher levels of academic competence,which seemingly makes art unessential.

  However, art classes are by no means only intended for entertainment. Children even dabbling in art tend to be more creative in mind. Those skilled in music or painting can interpret the world in a way that we cannot expect from a layman. This kind of ingenuity is also a rare quality constantly found in great scientists, whose contributions have served to create a totally new field for the latter generations. In his reply to a question about death, Albert Einstein considered his departure from the mortal world to be forever farewell to another great musician. With a sigh he answered "I cannot listen to Mozart anymore". Thus, can we simply regard art classes to be selective?

  In conclusion, although stricter academic requirements are imposed on students, this cannot be an excuse for excluding art subjects from their curricula. Whatever kind of art can stimulate and inspire students, paving way for their future academic attainment.

英语作文 篇6

  Behind every great achievement in anyone's life lies perseverance.We see this in every human endeavor.Outstanding sportsmen spend all their time practising.Their endurance is beyond imagination.

  The same is true of businessmen who build up fortunes.What we usually see are their achievements, but once we go behind the scenes we will find that they have put in a lot of continual steady efforts.We all have read of great musicians, writers and inventors who have created or discovered breakthroughs in human achievement.Invariably they have said that they owe all their success to perseverance.As to college students, quite a big number of then, have become successful language learners through perseverance, however, a certain group of them, just stop half way and their previous efforts turn out to be fruitless.

  Of all the countless examples the saga of Colonel Saunders is perhaps one of the most outstanding.The 65-year-old man from Kentucky had a dream to start a chain of fried chicken restaurants all over the world.To realize his dream, he knew that he needed a restaurant owner to go into partnership with him to open the first restaurant and to fry chicken according to the secret recipe he had.Colonel Saunders had knocked on 1008 doors before he finally found his partner.It is doubtful whether many of us would have had the perseverance to knock even a hundred doors.

  From the above discussion we can draw a conclusion that success comes to anyone who keeps working perseveringly and lack of perseverance can only result in frustration and failure.






英语作文 篇7

  Today, most of my friends will probably describe me as an out going and somewhat talkative girl, displaying her boldness in study as well as various social activities。 But several years ago,when I was in middle school, things were quite the opposite。 Despite my outstanding grade record, I once belonged to a group that demanded little notice due to my childhood personality。 People around labeled me as "timid", and that label, regardless of the so much bitter feeling it aroused, has become something of a lifetime influence on me。

  As a child, I took after my mother and was quiet, shy and somewhat clumsy at verbal expression。 The problem, as I often reflected upon, was not that I was unsociable or eccentric, for all of my classmates and teachers mingled well with me。 It was that I would blush and feel dizzy when many people looked at me at the same time。 I was so uneasy in public that I am inclined to shut my mouth, which sadly resulted in my label "timidity"。

  Bearing such a label was anything but easy for me to tolerate。 Every time I finally plucked up enough courage to raise my hand and tried to air my view, I stood there only to find the rest fifty pairs of eyes fixing on me, all with the same trace of surprise and doubt in them as if a quiet person like me were not supposed to talk in public。 Distress immediately seized me and I began to stutter, swallowed up my well contrived speech and retreated into my seat。 I felt abased and hurt。

  Never had I found the label so annoying and detestable as on those occasions。 An inner voice again and again clattered in my brain:You're not inferior or dull。 Why can't you just talk freely like the talkative? If you wanna have a change, it's up to you yourself。 The biggest obstacle lay inside me。 As long as I could overcome my timidity, the rest would take care of itself。

  And in those years, never had I stopped this painstaking yet extremelyrewardingshiftfromspeechlessnesstoverbal strength。 At the beginning, I prompted myself to give simple yes or no questions。 In a step by step fashion, I was then supposed to talk in long sentences, to discuss and to present。 Urged by an inner drive, I took pains with the transition and witnessed with the utmost joy the change I was going through。For the first time, I didn't feel uneasy under public attention。 For the first time, my response to teacher's question was applauded。 I rejoiced in every bit of progress I made。 Confidence began to set root in me and I, like a straying child who catches sight of home,was gradually led back to my mesmerized eloquence。 I finally recovered what I had been craving for so long。

  Now years have passed when the label of timidity no longer haunts me。 I find this experience most valuable and interesting in retrospection。 No doubt, labeling exerts profound influence on

  individual's development and the common belief is that people will live up to their labels, implying that positive labels inspire and encourage us whereas negative ones only worsen the situation。 But after all, no matter how disheartened or frustrated we feel about the prejudice, we are the sole masters of our own destinies。 Why fall victims to the label? As Franklin D。 Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself。" The point is to free ourselves from the fear for negative labels and cheer up inside us the unrelenting will to overthrow them。 The label is something of a mirror。 As long as we adjust ourselves, the reflections in the mirror will alter too。 In this sense, negative labeling may as well become something extremely positive and rewarding, just as I've experienced。

英语作文 篇8

  When the petals are turned from white to powder, it is the arrival of the cherry blossoms. As we all know, when the cherry blossoms are most beautiful, they are when they are withered. The cherry blossom, the grand ceremony, the beginning of the ceremony, the whole world falls into the fragrance and the petals of the beautiful.Sit in the old yaezakura, looked up at the thought of falling sakula: there is a cherry tree in each sprite. If she can be seen, her smile, must be enough for the world to be cast into the shade; her lightly gait, be sufficient to make the world is dumping. However, she is very naughty, but to hide themselves, not in the cherry tree, do not let people get a glimpse of her face powder.

  From afar, the flowers are really close ah, see a little gap; the flowers are white, white as the white clouds in the sky; the flowers are very beautiful, beautiful like the moon in the Moon Palace smile. Approached the cherry trees, suddenly found the cherry color is white, it is white petals, flower is yellow, there are many bees dancing the samba flying in the flowers, leaving a tree laughing. Full branch of Sakura is surrounded by myriads of flowers around low mood, hear the wind whispering; see rain traces; so noisy and full of the meaning of life. In the face of such a tree flowers, come to feel "spring is already on the branches". Flowering cherry trees reflected in the water, the water fish are invariably come from from all sides, spinning around the water flowers, as if also can know the joy of flowers.

  These blossoms have erect branches, in early puberty; some smiles, happy to greet the arrival of spring. Look, I caught unable to restrain the emotions cherry, watch carefully. I saw the red cherry blossom has seven floors, a total of 35 petals, yellow flower petals popped from a small head, like a curious children quietly wonderful visit with the outside world. The white cherry blossoms have two kinds, one is surrounded by 5 petals of flowers, shaped like wine, yellow flower is there were 17! Another white cherry and red cherry flower, there are 7 layers of 35 petals, about 20 stamens, the core body is white, the core head is yellow. The strange thing is the middle of a white flower, there is always a green core, listening to my mother said it was "the pistil", it is lovely.

  Strolling in the garden, a cherry blossom fragrance. A vibrant cherry trees are blossoming flowers, my eyes are too busy to attend to all five single, some cherry petals, some only coins the size of. A pink petal with a silver white stamen like a Chinese La plum blossom; many layers of petals are together, and the silver white stamens are tender and beautiful.

  Life may be as short as cherry blossoms, but it is not always as wonderful as cherry blossoms. We used to laugh in the face of life, in the face of the winter, even the road full of thorns, because only thus can meet at the beginning of the spring. In the same way, you should face death with laughter, and even the last moment of life, you should sing the most daunting songs of life.

英语作文 篇9

  We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things.

  Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power, we can help to build our country and enjoy life better. Lastly, in order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day's study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.










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