
2021-03-08 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  there are two important kinds of music in the world --one is written down and the other is not. many people earn their living by writing music. they write songs for popstars and music for films and tv plays. they usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played.

  folk music has been passed down from one goneration to another. at first it was never written down. pe ple learnt the songs from their families, relatives, neighbours and friends in the same village. these songs were about country life, the seasons, animals and plants, and about love and sadness in people's lives.

  early performers of music were popular and respected.they used to learn hundreds of songs by heart. on festivals they used to act and sing in praise of heroes who lived long ago. this was at a time when there was no radio, tv or cinema. many of the country people could neither read nor write. in this way stories were passed on from one person to another. this continues in some countries even today.

英语作文 篇2

  The Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 20xx Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made.

  In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. To begin with, infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Such infrastructures as communications and transportation system and facilities ought to draw our constant attention. First, traffic jam has been an age?old headache in Beijing. The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely cause great incontinence, and blemish the image of the city meanwhile. Next, to add enchantment to convenience, overall city?planning is indispensable. Time permitting, a redesign of city layout and adjustment of architectural style would provide a better environment for fostering the characteristic, blending, oriental elegance with international grandeur, will tower aloft among surrounding architectures. To achieve such effect, Beijing shall solicit opinions from first?rate architects and make an overall plan. Thirdly, quality of the population should be improved. To make an international metropolis, both "hardware" and "software" are important.

  However, Rome was not built in a day. To carry out the promise of "New Beijing, Great Olympics", deeds speak louder than words.

英语作文 篇3

  love and learning

  towards love and lea rning , college teachers and students hold controversial views .

  the majority of college teachers , especially old teachers , a rgue that students s hould give up love and concent rate on learning . they say that campu s love is time- and-energy-consuming and t ea rs students away f rom their main task . i f a student ever falls in love, he/ she will undoubtedly neglect his/ her studies and gradually lag behind his/ her classmates . a few teachers , therefor e, suggest that the univer sity authorities restore the tr aditional r egulation again st love during students’ school yea rs .

  on the cont ra ry , students hold that it is natural for young people to fall in love on the campus because they meet every day and their everyday meeting produces romantic passion towards each other . t hey in sist that the campus is not the ga rden of eden and love is not the forbidden tree . they take for example some of their f riends who, falling in love , ar e studying harder and have made greater progress to please their boy/ girl friends .

  in my opinion , both views a re lop-sided . if a student does not give himself/ herself away in love but takes it as a drive , love produces positive effect . but if he/ she indulges himself/ herself too deeply in love, then he/ she will be a devoted lover but a f rustr ated learner .

英语作文 篇4

Dear Mike,

  I am glad to know that you are interested in learning Chinese.I am writing to give you some suggestions on how to learn it well.

  There are some suggestions for you,which will play a significant role in learning Chinese.First of all,if you have enough spare time,youcan go to Chinatown,a Chinese residential area,where has a good language environment.Second,please make more Chinese friends,especially who comes from Beijing,they will help you to speak normative Chinese and improve your spoken Chinese.What`s more,listen to Chinese radio and watch all sorts of Chinese films,which is a perfect way to deep learing Chinese and its traditional culture.

  I believe these learning suggestions will help you and make great progress in your language learning!


  Li Hua

英语作文 篇5

  america. his success resulted in part from his ability to sell the product and in part from his policy of expanding during periods of economic decline, when most of his competitors were reducing their investments.

  carnegie believed that individuals should progress through hard work, but he also felt strongly that the wealthy should use their fortunes for the benefit of society. he opposed charity, preferring instead to provide educational opportunities that would allow others to help themselves. "he who dies rich, dies disgraced, " he often said.

  among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the carnegie institute of pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and a museum of national history. he also founded a school of technology that is now part of carnegie-mellon university. other philanthropic gifts are the carnegie endowment for international peace to promote understanding between nations, the carnegie institute of washington to fund scientific research, and carnegie hall to provide a center for the arts.few americans have been left untouched by andrew carnegie's generosity. his contributions of more than five million dollars established 2,500 libraries in small communities throughout the country and formed the nucleus of the public library system that we all enjoy today.

  译文 :

  被称作钢铁大王的安德鲁卡内基在美国建立了钢铁工业。 在这个过 程中,他变成了美国最富有的人之一。

  他的成功,部分来自于他销售产品的能力,部分来 自于经济萧条时期的扩充策略。 在萧条时期,他的多数对手都在缩减投资。卡内基认为个人应该通过努力工作来获得进展,但他也强烈地感到有钱人应该运用他们的.财富来为社会谋 取福利。 他反对施舍救济,更愿意提供教育机会,使别人自立。

  卡内基经常说:"富有着 死去的人死得可耻。"他对社会的较重要的贡献都以他的名字命名。 这些贡献包括匹兹堡卡 内基学校。

  这个学校有一个图书馆,一个美术馆和一个国家历史博物馆;他还创立了一所 技术学校,这所学校现在是卡内基 梅隆大学的一部分;其他的慈善捐赠有为促进国家间了解的"卡内基国际和平基金",为科学研究提供经费的华盛顿卡内基学院以及给各种艺术活动提供活动中心的卡内基音乐厅。安德鲁卡内基的慷慨大度几乎影响到每个美国人的生活。 由于他超过五百万美元的捐款,2500个图书馆得以建立起来,遍布在美国各地的小村镇, 形成了我们今天还在享用的公共图书馆系统的核心。










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