
2021-03-19 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  Knowledge Is Power

  Recently there has been a discussion regarding the issue of knowl-edge in the newspaper. As can be seen from the picture, knowledge is symbolized by a clenched fist as power. The fist sends out a message for "obedience", threatening to crack with power any hard nut. The more demanding and challenging a task is, the more powerful the fist seems to grow. Similarly, knowledge, the strongest power for human beings, feeds up the field of science and technology. The more ad- vanced and developed a field is, the more profound knowledge seems to become.

  A specific example is the dunaping of Mir, Russia's space station. As is the case of the Russian space program, the country could no longer afford to keep Mir aloft in orbit because of lack Of financial support. Therefore, Rus-sia decided to dump the space station. The effect is both immediate and far-reaching. As far as the present is concerned, the successful launching and dumping of IVrLr has proved to the world that mankind, armed with pro-fca. md knowledge, cannot just build things but can operate them welt. For the distant impact, the once- in- a- lifetime success of/VFtr provides man with valuable and indispensable experience for manned space flight in the

  years to crane. Then, someday in the furore, them might appear in space more Mirs, visiting Mars, spreading friendship, parading the perfect maste- ry of knowledge.

  As to the best way to master knowledge, I suggest that everyone of us "ask not what others will learn from you, but what you can learn from the others." By so doing, I sincerely believe each person, pro-tected by' the "fist", will be learned and knowledgeable.

英语作文 篇2

  There are many things you should do if you want to excel in college courses. One of the most important things, Ithink, is to take effective notes. The following tips should help you take better notes in your classes.


  First, attend classes faithfully. Copying another student's notes cannot substitute for hearing the idea in person. Second, develop a system of abbreviation. Using abbreviations for often used words and special terms can speed up your note taking. In addition, be alert for signals of importance: anything written on blackboard, definitions, examples, emphasized words, and repeated ideas. Writing down examples and connections between ideas is also essential. Too many students merely copy the terms the teacher puts on the blackboard; they forget that as time goes by, details that serve as a bridge between the ideas quickly fade. Next, review your notes after class toclassify and expand them. Finally, take notes in every class you attend. Otherwise, you are sure to forget most of what you hear.


  If you can follow the above tips, you are bound to find all your lessons easy and enjoyable. And, as time goes, you will do better than most of the students in your class.


  My Views on Examinations 考试之我见

  tests will bring the examinees great pressure, which can affect their lives. A typical example of this is that most young students have worn glasses even though some of them are still children. For preparing for tests, they must spend a lot of time on doing their homework so that their eyesight becomes worse and worse. And the more time they spend on those, the less time they have for playing and relaxing. Consequently, there is a bad influence on their health.

  Since school comes into being, the test standard has been used to appraise performance of students. So far it is still being used, which may suggest that actually there are some advantages in it. However, it is also highly possible that the test standard is a not ideal way to find out what students have learned and what they haven't. Most school is still using it just because there is no better method to replace it.

  In my opinion, the following three points are the critical flaws in the test standard.

  One of the most harmful effects on the test method is that it will force us to study just for passing tests, not for acquiring knowledge especially in China. Obviously the final object of education is making us intellective by learning more knowledge. While the test is only a way to examine the level of students' studies, it has been deteriorated to a sifter deciding the fate of students. Why can it be called a terrible sifter? Now in the tests, which decide who can enter a higher school, thousands of poor students, who want a splendid future, must prepare for the tests by finishing a great deal of practices. Those practice tests are heavy-laden to them. So in this case, how can they be expected to study to obtain knowledge? To them that are enough if they can reach the level which tests need. In the end what our nation will get, genuine persons with ability or just test robots?





英语作文 篇3


  Two generations relationship is becoming a focus issue.We could often see the news of generation gap.Many children and their parents have discussed the problem for several times, but haven't reached an agreement yet.Why is there such a thing?

  As far as I'm concerned,there are two aspects reasons cause this phenomenon. On the one hand,there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are behind the times, while parents can’t understand of what their children’ thoughts and ideas.On the other hand,with the developing of science and technology,children had opportunity to come in contact with since the childhood vaster world, experienced many new things, extended range of experience,and their parents do not believe this.

  So,how to solve this problem become a critical situation.First,children should honor their parents and understand their parents 'pains. Continue to reduce customer complaints.In the second place,As parents, it is important to take a more up-to-date view.They had to support and encourage the children,rather than imposed severe discipline on her children.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Credit Cards on Campus. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




  Credit Cards on Campus

  In recent years, credit cards have gained more popularity among college students.With banks’ more focus on college market,an increasing number of college students have applied for a credit card and begun to consume by it.

  The following three factors can account for the popularity of credit cards in college. Firstly, a credit card provides overdrawing service, which is a big attraction for those students who have no much money for their domination. Secondly, a credit card can help release financial burdens on those poor students, and hence reduce the risk of their dropping school for lacking money.Besides, many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards, like sending a gift, lowering year cost. Drawn by these policies, many college students apply for credit cards.

  As far as I am concerned, it is not a bad thing for college students to own credit cards.However, there is misuse of credit cards among college students. Many students use credit cards to buy luxurious things they don’t need really, and even some of them owe a big credit cards debt.Therefore, schools and banks have responsibility to let college students learn how to use credit cards properly.Only in this way can college students enjoy really the advantages of credit cards.


  my dream

  everyone has a lot of dreams. some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. others want to be famous , dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. i have a lot of dreams, too. when i was a young girl , i dreamed of becoming a scientist like hua luogen in future . however , i knew very well that i could not succeed without painstaking efforts . so i studied hard in the middle school and college in order to at train my goal .

  After graduating from college , I found a job as a teacher . although i was very busy with teaching , i never gave up my goal . i read a lot of books to get more knowledge . i made experiments to pr actise and apply what i had lea rnt f rom the books . sometimes , i was so deeply indulged in my resea rch that i forgot my meals and time. now i have made great progress. several of my research papers have been published . the methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems . i am very happy. the ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead , but i have climbed the first rung anyway .

英语作文 篇4

  one afternoon, a close friend of mine came up to me ecitedly:

  "julia, don't you know that there's a cherry tree in our school?"

  "a cherry tree? really? where?"

  cherry trees were so scarce that i had only seen them in the film "romantic cherry".

  "in i garden. hurry! let's go and see it!"

  i dropped my book and followed my friend out of the class

  as soon as i stepped into i garden, i began seeking the precious "pink" eagerly. and ho, there it was! in the distance,several pink "clouds" were floating above a small pavilion. that was it! my cherry tree!

  we quickened our steps. little by little, the gossamer like pink "clouds" grew bigger and bigger and at last seemed to occupy the blue sky when we were just standing under the cherry, on a small slope. beneath my feet, the soil was covered by fallen petals. what a wonderful eperience! stretching my arms widely, i felt as if flying in the air weightlessly in the world of pink.

  when a gentle breeze passed by, hundreds of petals parachuted down. they danced and whirled beautifully in the air and blurred my vision.the petals were so light that it took them some time to fall down onto the ground or into the pool.

  the petals lying on the ground joined their brothers and sisters to etend a pink carpet while those floating on the water were setting out on a mysterious journey.

  "i surely will be sorry when all of the petals have fallen down." my friend said woefully.

  "no. although they have left their home and have been separated from each other, they are still happy and composed and try to do their best where god place them." i said to myself,firmly and hopefully.

英语作文 篇5

  请假条(Asking for Sick Leave or Business Leave)


  在应用文写作中,请假条因篇幅短小,格式、内容较为容易掌握,故相对于推荐信、申请信等篇幅较长的应用文而言,其得分率要高,且该类型的应用文要求文体正式、语言得体,尤其是用礼貌的语言向领导讲述请假的理由。 二、技巧


  请假条是便条的一种,主要用于因病或因重要事情向领导请示批准某一特定时间的假。根据其请假理由的不同,可把请假条分为病假条和事假条两种。但不管是那一种都应包括以下四部分内容: (1) 日期

  日期通常应在正文右上角,因请假条涉及到的是最近时间内的事情,故可直接用几月,几日或星期几来表示,如 April 10 或 10 April 或 Thursday.(2) 称呼

  称呼常用常规信中的称呼语,如 Dear…, Mr. …, Professor …, Dr. … 等.

  (3) 正文


  (4) 结束语的署名

  结束语常用 yours faithfully 或 yours sincerely 或 yours truly 等。

  2. 常用句型 (1) 起首用语


  I’d like to apply for three days leave of absence, starting from …, and finishing on … I am writing to ask for sick leave of … days, starting from … to … I’m sorry I can’t attend the meeting because/as… Owing to … / As … , I shall be unable to …

  (2) 结尾常用语

  请假条中结尾用语常用来表示感谢、请予批准等。常用句型如下: I should be very obliged / grateful if you grant me the leave. I hope you will grant me the leave.

  Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance.

  I’ll certainly do my best to make up … once / as soon as …

  Now I enclose a Doctor’s Certificate / a medical certificate from / issued by the doctor. Now I enclose the telegraph from my father. 三、范文 (事假条)

  April 25

  Dear Mr. Frick,

  As my brother is moving to Canada tomorrow, I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application for one day’s leave tomorrow.

  Yours respectfully, Robin Ford


  (English 2nd Year, Class B)

  April 26, 20xx

  (To Department office) Ms. Smith,

  Owing to a severe headache, I shall be unable to attend classes today. I enclose a medical certificate from the doctor.

  Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance.

  Yours respectfully, Li Ming


  (1)以 Mary 的名义向 Professor John 写一张因病无法上课的请假条(注明缺漏的课日后补上)。

  要求:不少于30 词

  (2)写一封因家父病重须回家探望,故请求给予三天假的请假条(注明起止时间)。要求:60 词左右。

  April 26, 20xx

  Dear Professor John,

  I’m sorry I can’t come to your lecture today as I am running a fever. I should be very much obliged if you shall grant me the leave. I’ll do my best to make up the lessons as soon as I’m recovered.

  Yours respectfully, Mary

  April 12, 20xx

  Dear Manager,

  I’d like to apply for three days leave, starting from the 13th to the 15th, in order to return to my hometown to see my father, who is seriously ill these days.

  I should be very much obliged if you grant me the leave. As to the duties to be missed during my absence, I shall do my best to make them up as soon as I get back. Here I enclose a telegraph from my mother.

  Yours faithfully, Wang Fang










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