
2021-03-24 英语作文


我的生日英语作文 篇1

  Everyone has an unpleasant experience, and I am no exception.

  On the day of my eighth birthday, after school, I walked happily home on my way home, expecting my parents to give me a special birthday. When I set foot in the door, I was disappointed. The birthday cake and birthday presents were on the table quietly, but there was not even a figure at home. What's going on? I called my mother in a hurry. "I'm sorry, son! "Mother's business is very good today, and my father is working overtime. You can't go home to celebrate your birthday. After you finish your homework, remember to eat your cake!" Then, the telephone rang "du - du -" voice. I can add every day, every day, but I only have one birthday a year! I wonder if I am the father or mother. The happy mood suddenly turned into disappointment. I have written so much homework as a book with a feeling of great depression. I kept thinking: why my mom and dad would treat me like this, I really don't feel like it. Why is it that other students have such a lively birthday, and I have no one to talk to and eat cake with me on my birthday? What's the use of birthday presents and birthday cakes? What I need is a lively birthday, even if only one person accompany me.

  Now I am ten years old, but the lonely birthday is always in my memory, so that I can always cherish the happy life I have now.

我的生日英语作文 篇2


  Today, I'm so happy for my birthday. I jumped three feet high. In the evening, the cake my mother bought for me arrived, and it was chocolate. When I saw the cake, my saliva all flowed down. I was so happy that my mother picked up her mobile phone to take a picture of me. So I decided to go to Wanda for dinner.


  I took the cake to Wanda to eat the revolving sushi, which was very delicious. Then I ate the cake, played some video games and went home happily.

我的生日英语作文 篇3













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