
2021-03-24 英语作文


爱英语作文 篇1

  There is a person who is very important in our life, who is that person? She is our mother.

  The other day, our school invited a famous man, a young speaker called Yang Qingsong, who gave us a speech on Mother’s love. I still remember the scene where many students were impressed by his words and a number of students were listening carefully with tears down their faces. I was also strict by his wonderful speech, which reminded me of my childhood. As a child, when I felt down, it seemed that the world was dark and empty. Then it was my mother who cheered me up and made the world suddenly bright and colorful; when I lost my way, my mother held my hand and told me that everything was going to be Ok. Because of her, I am always feeling happy and confident!

  I owe my thanks for my mother, Not only does she give me the greatest love in the world, but she also leads me down the road to success!

爱英语作文 篇2

  love.. what is love? a lot of people shared their views to what love really is, or at least what love is in their eyes. perhaps love is just an illusion. a strong illusion, especially for those who are searching for a purpose of life. is love an answer? love can be wonderful, special, complicated, a distress, a gift, a curse, a tragedy, and most of all, an experience.

  love is a mysterious and a complicated force. what do a person mean when they say they love someone? love is many different things. each of us have our own understanding of love is, and most of the time we base our definitions from feelings and experiences. the book defines love in many ways. "it is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties." it can be an affection and tenderness felt by lovers. love is the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration. just when we thought we finally grasp what love is, somebody asks:

  "does anyone really know what "love" mean? i believe i have a true love, but "true love" is always hurt, isn"t it?" i scratches my head with this thought and began to wonder. what is the answer to this? "this i have to know!" i said to myself. i looked in the mirror and asked "is it a true love when you know you want to live with this special person for the rest of your life? have we reached "true love" when we are ready to give everything away towards our subject? or maybe when can go as far as to sacrifice ourselves for our love? what about love as an obsession? is that possible?"but isn"t love suppose to be an obsession? if it is not, then you"d have to rationalize. if you rationalize then it"s not love, because there is always a better rationalization.""i think the "in love" phase is obsessive but according to williamson (and backed up by my paltry experience), love does not involve the ego, is selfless and the opposite of obsession."

  according to marriane williamson, the author of "a return to love," there is a "holy love" and a "special love." "the latter type is the obsessiveone; finding that one "special" person absorbs _all_ your attention."so who is right and who is wrong about love? there is no wrong answer. love is many wonderful things. love may not work out all the time but it leaves you a special sort of feeling, like nothing you have ever imagined. is love a purpose of life? i think are life will be dull without it. but is it necessary? important? it is a part of life, and forever it will be a part of us. "love is not thinking about your happiness but making others happy." -anonymous "our hearts are created to love." -e. atienza"love is like a roller coaster, it has ups and downs."

  "love doesn"t make the world go around, love makes the ride worth while." -unknown

  "money will buy you sex but not love." -simon vainrub

  "the more you cry for the person you really love, the more you can understand real love." -tsuchida tomomi

爱英语作文 篇3

  Most children will complain about their parents, because parents can't satisfy all the things they want. When they grow up, they will sense their parents' love. For example, our mothers always cook different kinds of delicious food, just want to let us eat more. Our fathers work so hard to earn more money, so that they can make us live the comfortable life. We should be grateful to them.


爱英语作文 篇4

  People often say, "father love is a mountain, and motherly love is like water." Yes, the love of parents is the greatest love in the world. Father love is silent, undisclosed, not good at language expression, and father love is like a mountain to give me a solid dependence: and mother love is warm, with tender love, mother love as broad as the sea, unfathomable. Parents' love is indispensable and irreplaceable in our life.

  I remember I sprained my foot carefully the week before. I thought I would be able to pass it, but my illness did not work well after noon. I felt a hard to say the pain into my foot, I told my father and mother, they saw me so anxious, even the class did not go up, I went straight to the hospital to see the doctor, dad in order to let my leg less force, Dad's back tired, I have 100 Jin after all! Until three in the afternoon, the doctor said he wanted to put a needle in my hand, which made my mother feel bad and I didn't know how much it was.

  I endure the pain of illness, but enjoy the meticulous care of my father and mother. I think this is love. I hope this love will never disappear. Mom and Dad, thank you.

  Mom and Dad, thank you for your care and warmth. Thank you for your great care. Thank you for giving me a happy life.

爱英语作文 篇5

  People would like to ask the kids who they like betterbetween their parents, they maybe make fun of thekids, while for the kids, they will considerate thequestion very seriously and can't decide who isbetter.


  I never figure out who is better, because in my heart, both of my parents are good.


  My mother takes care of me all the time, she takes responsibility of my daily things, though myfather is busy, I know he works so hard to raise my family.


  I love them in the same way, what they do is for my better future.


  I am so thankful to them, so I must study hard, for the purpose of returning their love.


爱英语作文 篇6

  From small to large, I think I am the happiest child in the world, because my parents' love for me is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

  Once, when I was in school, I suddenly felt my head hurt so much that I could not hear the lesson. The teacher found that I was pale and not right. I asked my parents after calling the reason. In a few moments, mom and dad came. My mother hurried to me and touched my forehead and said nervously, "ah! Why is it so hot? It looks like a fever is coming to the hospital! " Mom took my hand, Dad carried my schoolbag, and we went straight to the hospital. In the car, my mother comforted me, "nothing is wrong. I will be good with you and your father in any disease. You are a man and must be strong!" When I got to the hospital, my mother hurriedly found the doctor and said, "see my son quickly!" The doctor walked over and looked at me with a glimpse of it. He said, as if nothing happened, "small things, just drop the stream!" At last, mom and Dad were relieved. When I was dripping, Dad sometimes went out to buy delicious food for me. Sometimes he went out to buy toys for me, and sometimes sat beside the bed to make me happy. Mommy massage my head for a while, press my shoulder for a while, ask me if I'm hungry or not, and wash my fruit for a while. Looking at it, my eyes moistened, and a warm current surged into my heart. Mom and Dad were very kind to me. I am the happiest child in the world. I was all right soon after mom and dad looked after them. But mom and dad are busy and thin. I can go to school, they look happy!

  Mom and Dad, it's a book that can't be read. They give me love, I will never forget it. Now I have to study hard, find a good job when I grow up, and repay my parents.

爱英语作文 篇7

  One day more than a decade ago, our parents with tears, smiles and happiness to greet our arrival. But when we came to the world at the moment, the parents have more of a heavy work - to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the parents have no complaints and I grew up raising. In order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, then the effort. Small, I always treat this issue as a matter of course, because I do not understand the hard work their parents do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take care, the responsibility of your parents.

  Sun is just past my 20th birthday that day, I would first think of Thanksgiving is to parents, because my parents have only gives me the opportunity to savor the world of colorful and well-being of life, enjoy life happiness and well-being, is that they gave me life, gave me the care of in every possible way. With sons and daughters happy, happy most of the parents, children with depression, it is most concerned about the parents. Licking the calf love, parental love, deep as the sea. Therefore, no matter the social status of parents, level of knowledge and other qualities, they are our greatest benefactor this life is worthy of our love of the people forever.

  Students might say nothing of their own blessings, but for parents, this sound a better blessing than anything, are unforgettable, are sufficient to enable them to tears!




爱英语作文 篇8

  Nowadays, it is not rare to see that the parents spoil the child, they love the kid by the way they think it’s best for them. When it comes to spoil the child, different people have different opinions, some people think that it is fine to spoil the child, parents should treat them as best as they could; while the rest held that parents should teach the child rationally. In my point of view, I agree with the later one.


  In the first place, parents are the children’s first teacher, they will believe everything from their parents’ education and they are a good copycat, they will simulate the action form their parents. For instance, when a child fight in school, some parents will not analysis why the fight begins, they will blame the child who fight with their kid no matter it is their kin’s fault or not. This is absolutely make the child believe that he is right about everything, which will make them hard to tell what is wrong or right.


  In the second place, since now lots parents buy a whole bunch expensive stuff for their child, it might easily cause the problem of wasting or comparing with others. Children who are proud of their favorable living conditions are more tend to look down to the one are poor. Besides, once they are living in the lower live level than they are expected, they might feel maladjustment or even abandon themselves.


  To sum up, parents should love their children rationally, but not love them blindly.


爱英语作文 篇9

  i found half of the day to visit a flower show and had my long hair cut. coming out of the show, i walked along until i came to a park bench. i sat down to allow myself some leisure for the first time since i started learning french two months before.

  then a book lying in the grass nearby caught my eye. i picked it up. it was a french book in ecellent binding①. as i turned the pages quickly, a young couple came up to ask if i had seen a book in german. wrongly understanding my epression on my face, the young man, who seemed well-educated, added that it was a book in literature.

  i held out the book and eplained it was a french book on education. the man was so troubled by what i said that he took it away from my hand in a hurry.as they turned to go away, i heard the man speaking: “what do you epect? a guy② with long hair and in bell-bottom trousers③ cant tell german from french.”

  the girl nodded in agreement, but i was wondering if she would ever find out what was going on.










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