
2021-03-24 英语作文


春天的英语作文 篇1


  My house through a window, a row of trees have leaf like soldiers struggling proud of the past winter, again on the leaves, like a perfect uniform, to survive these long winter soldiers send warmth.


  The birds nest is close enough, the fresh air, the slightest breeze brings them very cool, birds sing beautiful songs, songs of their proud. Every corner is changing, becoming a garden that is more different than the winter, than the autumn.


  In the spring of two All flowers bloom together., pear tree homes, cute. A flower in full bloom, and decorated with white plow tree flowers, like a rolling of the white snow capped mountains, very beautiful.


  A pear tree cut fuel, although there is no next to it "tall mountain" as charming, but it leaves thick, four to stretch longer high, finally formed a parasol and covered with earth, produce many pears,


  How lovely the spring scenery of our home is! It was gorgeous and angry. Time is passing, home will become a refreshing home.

春天的英语作文 篇2

  Spring is a colorful picture. You see, the grass out the sharp head, peach blossom opened red smiling face, camphor trees take off the old dress.

  Farmer uncle cotton-padded clothes off to digging. Little tadpoles swimming in the water, may be to find mom.

  Spring is a beautiful moving song. You listen to, spring DingDingDongDong down the mountain, the rain of spring rain girl n oise that playing in the trees, birds twittering call, children singing in the campus.




春天的英语作文 篇3

  Spring is a delightful season.

  The temperatures are moderate,

  and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors.

  This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often.

  Small children like to bring their kites out to Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Memorial Hall. Also,

  this is the season for the grave cleaning day when we go to honor our past generations.

  I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months.

  春天是一个令人愉快的季节。 温度是温和的, 盛开的树木和鲜花使城市充满了色彩。 这是我们可以开始穿更轻便、颜色更鲜艳的衣服,更经常去户外的时候了。 小孩子们喜欢把他们的风筝带到孙中山先生的纪念馆。同时, 这是我们纪念过去几代人的大扫除日。 我喜欢在这个冬天呆在城市里的这个假期回到村子里。

春天的英语作文 篇4


  Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the field. The fields are full of rape flowers like a golden ocean. Farmer uncle planted seedling in the field, the spring breeze blows them to save in heartily dance. The dandelions in the fields grow up and they ride around in windmills.


  Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the garden. Peach blossom blushed with a smile, as if wearing a pink skirt. Pear blossom like a snowflake, colorful tulip is too beautiful.


  Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the forest. Bamboo has a straight body like a soldier. The mushroom is like an umbrella. Oh, spring is in my eyes.










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