
2021-03-25 英语作文


婚姻英语作文 篇1

  Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life is hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No unexpected happening of surprising and pleasing So, only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness, when will come?

  人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱, 在一个特定的时间,特定的地点, 做脑海中安排了千万遍的事, 一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板, 永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜。 于是,也只有在心里默默地问: 下一班幸福,几点开?

  When our family relationship, friendship, love and personal relationship became four cups different thick and Subtle tea, At push a cup to change, always have absentminded hesitation: Which on earth cup that is supposed to be first degusted in the best taste time ,which final cup ? Then the different person always have a different choice. Big customs under of the small customs is always not allowed, stick to a final twist, always wish to obtain an additional happiness

  当我们的亲情、友情、爱情和私情变成了四杯浓淡不一的茶, 在推杯换盏间,总有恍惚的迟疑: 究竟哪一杯该在味道最好的时候先品,哪一杯该排到最后呢? 然后不同的人总有不同的选择。 大世俗下的小世俗总是不被允许, 坚持到最后,总会获得一份额外的幸福。

  Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together, the such as one dust covers up. Afraid only afraid the light is suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness

  暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此。 你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩。 怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜.数不尽的孤单

  Always insisting. Use iron scoop is too cold; Use porcelain scoop is too weak; A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved sky’s wasteland and glebe’s old. Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly

  一直坚持着。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱; 一只只木勺,刻出了纹理安然,刻出了天荒地老。 一如岁月中隐忍着的幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放

  Hope is always more expect, engrave a bone is a fat lot looked Clear can touch, just don t know where end is. Can not find to come to the road of hour, just because of eying foot too very carefully.

  希望总是多过盼望,刻骨而又络络可见, 清晰可触,只是不知道终结在哪儿。 找不到来时的路,只是因为太小心翼翼的注视脚下。

  Then the wandering soul wild crane stands still the memory river Listen to whistle play tightly ring slowly, Water rises a ship to go medium long things of the past. Wait for a ship’s person Wait for one and other, But hesitate always should ascend which ship Missed Had to consign the hope to next time, Finally what to wait for until has no boats and ships to come and go, Sunset west .

  再孤魂野鹤的伫立记忆河头, 听着哨子的紧奏慢响, 水涨船行中的悠悠往事。 等船的人儿, 等了一班又一班, 却始终犹豫着该登哪一只。 错过的, 只好把希望寄托到了下一回, 终究等到的是没有船只的过往, 日落西头 。

  Six words really talk to solve each round to return to bitterness. Heart of lotus opens, body side of genial breezes walks. Constantly, only one pond water. Ripple but have no language, guarded happiness of this pond. This is from cradle to the grave one a life time

  六字真言解每一个轮回苦。 心头荷花开,身畔暖风走。 不变的.,只有那一池水。 荡漾而无语,守住了这一池的幸福。 这就是一生一世

  Happiness is so much simple, on your center of palm, a match a hand can grasp; Happiness is also very difficult, before your heel, A thousand mountains and rivers but blunder away because of Doing not turn a head

  幸福好简单,就在你手心上,一合手就能握住; 幸福又好难,就在你脚跟前, 千山万水却因没有转头而错失

  Never believe, next will be better, Blunder away, never repair return of regret. Even met the god of shining in a dream, Never ask: "Next happiness, when will come?"

  千万不要相信,下一个会更好, 错失了,就是补不回的遗憾。 即使在梦中,遇见了那熠熠的神明, 也永远不要问:“下一班幸福,几点开 ?"

  美文赏析:The secrets to happiness 通往幸福的秘密


婚姻英语作文 篇2

  When it comes to later marriage, people’s opinions vary enormously. We know that as a graduate student, later marriage would be a problem for us after we graduated, especially girls.

  Our attitude towards later marriage becomes gradually rational and mature. We know that love is not just holding hands and walking down the street, Marriage is how Love can make people become altruistic. From my perspective, it is immaturity that leads to this phenomenon. Firstly young adults are not financially prepared to hasten into marriage. The economic burden will likely put a strain onto the couple's relationship, leading possibly to breaches, or worse, separation. Secondly young adults have not attained the level of maturity to raise children. They are often unaware of the responsibilities and sacrifices that one needs to make in order to start a family of one's own. Thirdly statistics are good indicators for the instability and short life spans of premature marriages. Only Only in this way can we embrace a happy and brilliant future.

婚姻英语作文 篇3

  Different people have various viewpoints toward marriage cause they have different roles and stands.QianZhongshu,an eminent writer who prefaces his book A Surrounded City with ‘Marriage is a surrounded city which people encircled want to flee from while those who stand out the city are eager to step into’. However,Jane Austen started her book Pride and Prejudice with ‘It is a truth universally

  acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife’.

  In my point of view,marriage is a warm harbour in which we can seek shelter,it is also a destination of our life voyage after we leave parents’home or we are no longer under the protection of our parents.

  So we must choose marriage cautiously and then try our best to make a perfect place where we can live happily with another person.However,we can’t manage it on our own without cooperating with him. In other words,choosing a marriage means choosing a person to live with.In consequence,we should choose the husband cautiously.

  As for me,first,my husband must show his parents filial obedience.Parents are those who love us best.How dare we expect he loves us if a person even treats his parents illI believe there is love existing between man and woman,while I believe in the

  emotion which can be developed after living together a long time in marriage.A man can fall in love with his wife momentarily,but only when he regards his wife as a real family member can his love lasts longer.Seldom a man can endure the marriage with a woman when he is not love her any more or even hate her.However,there is enough space for manoeuvers if a man treat his wife as an indispensable family member.Second, a husband should have strong responsibilities.A man with strong

  responsibilities is reliable.On one hand,he will work hard to make us happy.On the other hand,he may do not anything that will hurt his wife.Maybe,most of the men are fond of the new and tired of the old,but a man who has strong responsibilities will make his mind rather his emotion control his behaviour.

  Last but not least,a husband should have similar outlook on life and value with his wife.Because it is a horrible thing to live an entire life with a person whom we have nothing to talk with.

  Now let talk about the protagnists in the Nettle.To tell the truth,I don’t like the woman in it.I don’t blame her for leaving a person whom she doesn’t want to live with.I do blame her for leaving her family.She just moves out and almost keeps no connection with her husband.They can get together to cope with their

  marriage.Though their marriage is too far gone, they can still be good friends.And also I hate that she hope an affair with Mike.Much as she loves Mike,she shouldn’t break a whole family at another poor woman’s cost.She can take Mike as a close friend or a brother whom can exchange life and work experience.

  Fortunately,they don’t lose their mind and do something that will hurt others.Of course it is a pity that they don’t meet each other any more.

婚姻英语作文 篇4

  You are asking, "Is it possible to be married and to be free?"

  If you take marriage non-seriously, then you can be free. If you take it seriously, then freedom is impossible. Take marriage just as a game -- it is a game. Have a little sense of humor, that it is a role you are playing on the stage of life; but it is not something that belongs to existence or has any reality -- it is a fiction.But people are so stupid that they even start taking fiction for reality. I have seen people reading fiction with tears in their eyes, because in the fiction things are going so tragically. It is a very good device in the movies that they put the lights off, so everybody can enjoy the movie, laugh, cry, be sad, be happy.

  If there was light it would be a little difficult -- what will others think? And they know perfectly well that the screen is empty -- there is nobody; it is just a projected picture. But they forget it completely.And the same has happened with our lives. Many things which are simply to be taken humorously, we take so seriously -- and from that seriousness begins our problem.In the first place, why should you get married? You love someone, live with someone -- it is part of your basic rights. You can live with someone, you can love someone.

  Marriage is not something that happens in heaven, it happens here, through the crafty priests. But if you want to join the game with society and don‘t want to stand alone and aloof, you make it clear to your wife or to your husband that this marriage is just a game:"Never take it seriously. I will remain as independent as I was before marriage, and you will remain as independent as you were before marriage. Neither I am going to interfere in your life, nor are you going to interfere in my life; we will live as two friends together, sharing our joys, sharing our freedom -- but not becoming a burden on each other.And any moment we feel that the spring has passed, the honeymoon is over, we will be sincere enough not to go on pretending, but to say to each other that we loved much -- and we will remain grateful to each other forever, and the days of love will haunt us in our memories, in our dreams, as golden -- but the spring is over.Our paths have come to a point, where although it is sad, we have to part, because now, living together is not a sign of love. If I love you, I will leave you the moment I see my love has become a misery to you. If you love me, you will leave me the moment you see that your love is creating an imprisonment for me."

  Love is the highest value in life: It should not be reduced to stupid rituals. And love and freedom go together -- you cannot choose one and leave the other. A man who knows freedom is full of love, and a man who knows love is always willing to give freedom.If you cannot give freedom to the person you love, to whom can you give freedom? Giving freedom is nothing but trusting. Freedom is an expression of love.So whether you are married or not, remember, all marriages are fake -- just social conveniences. Their purpose is not to imprison you and bind you to each other; their purpose is to help you to grow with each other. But growth needs freedom; and in the past, all the cultures have forgotten that without freedom, love dies.You see a bird on the wing in the sun, in the sky, and it looks so beautiful. Attracted by its beauty, you can catch the bird and put it in a golden cage.Do you think it is the same bird? Superficially, yes, it is the same bird who was flying in the sky; but deep down it is not the same bird -- because where is its sky, where is its freedom?

  This golden cage may be valuable to you; it is not valuable to the bird. For the bird, to be free in the sky is the only valuable thing in life. And the same is true about human beings.

婚姻英语作文 篇5

  In this funny, casual talk from TEDx, writer Jenna McCarthy shares surprising research on how marriages (especially happy marriages) really work.In my opinion, marriage is more than just a ring on your finger ,it’s a bond between two people that should grow over time and add value to your life.

  Is marriage indispensable to persons of the right ageAfter watching the speech,my answer is absolutely YES. Responsibilities always comes with rights during marriage in which,I think,the benefit play a dominant role. Marriage is an intimate and enduring relationship that grows over time and makes you a better person. Also,marriage is linked to health and economic benefits. According to the video,married individuals tend to have better physicalhealth, psychological well-being, and a lower mortality risk. Financially, married men tend to earnmore, and married women are less likely to fall into poverty. Marriage is also linked to greater wealth accumulation.

  Marriage is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce.we may wander how to maintain a happy marriageThe speech given some answers to some degree.Fist of all, you should clear why marriage matters to you and why you are wiling to spend the rest of your life making the relationship a priority.What’more,the central point of the suggestions given by Jenna McCarthy,eg. keeping yourself more attractive and thinner than your husband, focusing on the positives/praise-worthy moments ,is cherish, giving and respect.Also,divorce is contagious contagious. So we have to be intentional to place ourselves in the company of those who are striving to make marriage better.

  Building a strong and intimate marriage starts from within yourself, and then becomes a bond between you and your partner that lasts a lifetime.To conclude,I agree highly with the speaker’s viewpoint: whether you're in it or you're searching for it, marriage is an institution worth pursuing and protecting.










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