
2021-03-26 英语作文


大学英语作文 篇1

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled College Students on the Job Market. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.




  Nowadays, the phenomenon of drunken driving has arouse wide concern among the public. Especially the young generation living in metropolis, tend to drive after drinking, ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat to their precious life and may even endanger others.

  Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Firstly, the absence of consciousness of driving security may be one of the leading causes. people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before, where they will drink strong wine. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. Secondly, relevant laws and regulations may not have been strictly enforced to warn people not to drive after drinking. Drunken driving is bound to generate severe consequence if we keep turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to it. Firs and foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars means a grievous waste of money, time and resources.

  In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that the supervisory role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to impose heavy penalty on those who drive after drinking. Secondly, a more extensive education campaign should be launched to arouse the public’s consciousness of the importance of driving safety. With these measure adopted, I strongly believe that drunken driving will be things of the past.

大学英语作文 篇2

  Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he will be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force. Once a habit is formed, it's difficult or even impossible to change or get rid of it. Therefore, it's of great importance that we should pay attention to the formation of habits.


  Good habits have many advantages. For example, going to bed early and rising early help us build a healthy body. Diligence helps to success. Honesty helps to win the respect and trust of others.


  If we form bad habits, such as rudeness, laziness, lying and stealing, we might be mind by these habits.


  In short, good habits helps us be better and bad habits make us worse, so we should try hard to form good habits and keep far from bad habits.


大学英语作文 篇3

  Nowadays, without the laws to supervise the Internet, there are a lot of negative information we can read on the Internet. As a result, people feel like being surrounded by the bad world and ignore the beauty of life. The wonderful things are happening every day and we can sense if we pay attention to them.


  The world is beautiful because of diversity. Many young people are backpackers today. They travel around the world and witness the different beautiful scenery. They are also attracted by the cultures. China catches the world’s attention and more and more foreigners come here to enjoy the food and have a nice communication with local people. They see diversity of the world and enjoy its beauty.


  For me, love from parents and friends makes my life wonderful. So no matter what kind of problems I meet, I won’t feel my life bad. On the contrary, I see the power I have and can create the wonderful life that I want. Every day, my world is full of happiness.


  The beauty from life can be seen everywhere, we need to slow down and find it.


大学英语作文 篇4




  Being online is no longer something strange in our life. To some degree, it has become part of our daily life. We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends far and near. But recently another helpful online activity has become very “in”. That is online education.

  Why could online education be so popular within such a short period of time? Among other reasons, the quick development of the internet should be an essential one, which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance possible. Another underlying reason is the quick development of both society and technology. Today ,modern science and technology is developing with lightening speed. To catch up with this development we all feel an urgent and strong desire to study. However , due to the great pace of modern society , many people are too busy to study full time at school. Online education just comes to their aid.

  Personally , I appreciate this new form of education. It’s indeed a helpful complement to the traditional educational means. It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning. Most of all ,with online education, we can sick to our jobs and at the same time study and absorb the latest knowledge.

大学英语作文 篇5

  It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others. I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others. We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to consider them, find it easy to condone them. For all I know we are right to do this; they are part of us and we must accept the good and bad in ourselves together.


  But when we come to judge others, it is not by ourselves as we really are that we judge them, but by an image that we have formed of ourselves fro which we have left out everything that offends our vanity or would discredit us in the eyes of the world. To take a trivial instance: how scornful we are when we catch someone out telling a lie; but who can say that he has never told not one, but a hundred?


  There is not much to choose between men. They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness, of virtue and vice, of nobility and baseness. Some have more strength of character, or more opportunity, and so in one direction or another give their instincts freer play, but potentially they are the same. For my part, I do not think I am any better or any worse than most people, but I know that if I set down every action in my life and every thought that has crossed my mind, the world would consider me a monster of depravity. The knowledge that these reveries are common to all men should inspire one with tolerance to oneself as well as to others. It is well also if they enable us to look upon our fellows, even the most eminent and respectable, with humor, and if they lead us to take ourselves not too seriously.


大学英语作文 篇6

  Directions: Self-help TVaveling





  Self-help Traveling

  More and more college students choose self-help trayelijig rather than arranged tours when they plan to travel. The reason inay be that by ananging the route, booking cheaper hotels and taking cheaper transportation means 2.W by themselves, they can save a lot of money.

  Convenient and economical as self-help traveling sounds, it still has some potential problems Perhaps the most important one is the safety hazard. Being alone without a group or a tour guide, a traveler may be helpless in face of danger, i.e. robbery, wild animal attacks, etc. In addition, they are more Eikely to be at risk of getting lost when traveling alone in a strange city or in the remote countryside.

  In my view, self-help traveling can be exciting and challenging which is worth trying. However, before setting out alone on a tour, travelers should make good preparations. Besides, they should hear security in mind all the time and keep ia touch with their friends or relatives. By doing soa they can enjoy the pleasure of exploring a strange city safe and sound.

大学英语作文 篇7

  Our college is situated in the northen suburbs. But the transportation is convenient and the environment is pleasing. A hill lies in the back of the college campus. Not far as-ay her. re the campus is a great lake, where we often go swimming on Sundays.

  There are fimr classroom buildings and five dining-halls on the campus. The classrooms are big and bright. And each of them is large enough for sixty students to study in. Behind the main classroom building stands the college library, where both the teachers and students are busy borrowing and returning books every day. I usually go there once a week for borrowing and returning books.

  Our college life is rich and interesting. On the one hand, we have many experienced teachers, sufficient books, scientific apparatus, and instruments to help our studies. On the other hand, we are encouraged to take part in many college activities such as seminars, parties,talks, sportsmeets, visiting factories, etc. Basketball and volleyball matches are held almost weekly.

  All in all, studying in our college is a great privilege, so students always remember their Alma Mater after their graduation.










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