
2021-11-14 英语作文


英语作文600字 篇1

  The increase of private cars has brought more and more serious air pollution and traffic jams in our city, especially in the rush hour.

  So I think it’s time to promote the green travel at present. In my opinion, first, we’d better not travel by car unless it’s necessary. Second, people should be encouraged to choose the public transport. They can take a bus or the light rail. They can even go by underground. These ways of travel can save energy and reduce air pollution .They can also improve the traffic conditi. Third, we should choose to walk or ride a bicycle if we don’t go far away. Travelling on foot or by bike provide us with a chance to make us stronger and healthier.

  In a word , I believe that we can improve the environment as well as our traffic conditi if we all choose the green travel.

英语作文600字 篇2

  Winter has gone , and spring is coming on .

  Watching the ice melting ,I know the whole earth is being rejuvenated from the winter. A variety of flowers come out to show their beauty and bring us fragrance .It is a feast for our eyes and souls. The yellow grass suddenly turn green . The young leaves grow on the branches . The swallows fly back home with the greeting of spring .

  Everything is coming to life . Feeling the warm sunshine , enjoying the beautiful scenery , listening to the wonderful music , drinking the new tea , my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire. Spring is the most fantastic season in the year .It means so much to the other three seasons




英语作文600字 篇3

  Disposable goods were once provided in hotels, restaurants, markets or other public places, which can be called “an era of deposable goods”. Look into your life, how many deposable goods have you been using daily? Countless! Plastic bags were one of the disposable products without which we couldn’t survive.

  However, disposable products bring serious pollution, massive waste of resources, as well as big damage to people’s health. Millions of square meters of forest are cut down yearly and thrown away as disposable chopsticks. Tons of trash is produced daily with disposable products. And to make things worse, many disposable goods can cause serious health problems for people.

  Fortunately, the government has realized the problems and taken practical measures to limit the use of disposable goods, which can be of benefit to the good health of people and more friendly to the environment.

英语作文600字 篇4

  Mrs Wang decided to make a trip to Beijing.When she told her son about her decision,he was so overjoyed that he jumped up.They began to pack their luggage.When the day came,the son became worried,for noboday would take care of his flowers.They would die if they were not watered.Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. "Mum",he said to his mother, "we can use a piece of cloth to take care of the flowers". He showed her mother what he meant by putting one end of the cloth into the basin, full of water,and the other end into the flower pot.

  Three days later,when they came back from Beijing, the flowers were still alive and even started to bloom.



英语作文600字 篇5

  During the May Day holiday,my parents and l climbed Mount Tai.We were lucky that the weather was fine that day and we were able to see the sunrise.

  At 4:30 in the morning,we were already on the top,waiting for the sun to rise.At last the sun sprang out,and the sky in the east became red.Later,the sun was hidden behind a piece of cloud.When it appeared again,the sun changed from red to bright red,then to golden.

  At that time,the whole mountain was in the golden sunlight.There were many people who were all excited.

  What a magnificent sight it was!l will never forget the moment.

  I had a wonderful holiday.




  那一刻,大山沐浴在阳光中。 观看日出的人很多,大家都很激动。



英语作文600字 篇6

  I am studying in a middle school now, it is my second year。 If you ask me what my occupation is, I will answer you that my occupation is student。 I have studied for many years, many students don’t like being a student, but I am not of them, I enjoy being a student。 For me, I don’t have to worry about the money issue, I can go to play with my friends, the most important thing is, I like reading all kinds of books。 I especially like to read the books about travel。 I have a dream, when I earn enough money, I must travel around the world。 So I must work hard to realize my dream。


英语作文600字 篇7

  Hello everybody! My name is Master Yang Chao, twelve have been May Day, in the City, Henan Province, Hui Yu Primary school.

  I have a black shiny hair, big eyes, high nose bridge. The name is a grandfather gave me, the teacher may be a teacher on my behalf, on behalf of Yang I am a sunshine boy, super mean that I have superhuman mind.

  My hobbies are: playing basketball, swimming, riding a bike. My favorite is playing basketball, I will get to the stadium every weekend to play basketball.

  My biggest dream is to be Prime Minister, so no worries about the poor families to eat and drink, but also benefit the majority of the people.

  This is lovely for me.

  Hui Yu City of Henan Province in the fifth grade: Teacher Yang Chao










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