
2022-02-07 英语作文


文明英语作文 篇1

  If growth is the symbol of childhood, then happiness is me.

  I am steady and generous, quiet and lovely, with a wide range of interests, making friends and helping others. I am full of good dreams for life. Because of this, I work hard every day to realize my dream and live a full and happy life. As lei feng said: "I live, only one goal is to be useful to the people. It is my duty to help people to overcome difficulties and contribute their own. "In school, my classmates have difficulties and I will extend my warm hand. In life, start from the small things around you, such as giving your seat to the old, taking care of the public property, protecting the environment, and doing what you can do. Actively participate in social activities, wenchuan earthquake, I donate to those unfortunate, to visit the lonely old man huaibei orphanage, I feel happy, because I know is to help others happy yourself.

  I love music. Music can take away my troubles, can take me to feel the warmth of the sun, to experience the flight of happiness, to explore the traces of life. Not only do I play the folk instrument, the hulusi, but I also play the western Musical Instruments. I won the second prize in the second hulusi competition in anhui province. During the "happy family" event held by the women's federation of huaibei city, I won the special prize with my grandfather's erhu ensemble.

  I love reading. Because I feel that reading a good book is like talking to a lot of noble people, and I understand that "it is never too late to come again. Time and tide wait for no man. I not only like to watch: the classics "journey to the west", "a dream of red mansions", "water margin", "three kingdoms", also like detective fiction detective conan, "Sherlock Holmes". These books can broaden my horizon, enrich my knowledge and bring me happiness.

  Perhaps it is because of my love for life and my keen interest in various things that makes me a good character. I am full of confidence in life, I am happy to live every day, and I am willing to bring happiness to everyone.

文明英语作文 篇2






  参考词汇:graffiti 涂鸦,(在墙上的)乱涂乱写

  vandalism 对公共财物的有意破坏

  Dear Editor,

  Recently graffiti has become more noticeable in my college. I feel quite annoyed at them, especially when some of my classmates praise them as a kind of so-called art. Confronted with this impolite phenomenon, I can’t help asking myself: what is wrong with today’s teenagers?

  In my opinion, graffiti is a form of vandalism. They are a mess and are ugly to look at. Meanwhile, walls are public places, and they should not be used to express personal views and feelings.

  I really think vandalism should be stopped, and those who refuse to stop this bad practice should be punished. We should clear away these ugly expressions and drawings so that our college may return to its true self--a clean, quiet place for study, teaching andd research.


  Li Ming

文明英语作文 篇3

  Civilization is a good thing. It not only cultivate our sentiments, but also improve our self-cultivation, so that our words and deeds, are standardized. In the "disciples rules" in this book, I learned a lot, but also improves the understanding of many things. But, most struck me, that is, "into the filial piety," in this section.

  "Disciples regulation" is our learning model, not to say every word a gem, also called sentence is brilliant. The "into the filial piety" is precisely the essence of the full text.

  The ancients said: "100 Yoshitaka comes first." A person can filial elder relatives, he had a good kind heart, With this benevolence, they can benefit many people. It is true! Filial Piety in Chinese culture, civilization and the basis of a person even with no filial piety, how can the noble quality of it?


  文明,是一件美好的事物。它不仅陶冶了我们的情操,而且提高了我们的修养,使我们的言行举止,都很规范。在《弟子规》这本书中,我学到了很多东西,也增进了对许多事物的理解。但,最令我感触深刻的,就是《入则孝》这一部分。 《弟子规》是我们的学习典范,不说是字字珠玑,也称得上句句精辟。而《入则孝》也正是全文之精华。 古人曾说:“百善孝为先。”一个人能够孝顺长辈亲人,他就有一颗善良仁慈之心,有了这份仁心,就可以造福许许多多的人。诚然!孝悌是中国文化文明的基础,一个连孝悌的没有的人,何来高尚的品质呢?

文明英语作文 篇4














  There will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is “To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility”. All the teachers and students are required to attend. In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as follows: we should not litter anywhere in order to keep our campus clean; we should love flowers, grass and trees so that everyone can enjoy the greenness; we should behave well instead of running after one another, quarreling and fighting noisily; we should care for others so that our school will be full of love. We believe our school will become more and more beautiful and peaceful.

文明英语作文 篇5

  New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for anger. The public CRIticized the woman’s impolite behavior, though the audience was rude.


  The impolite behavior in the cinema happens all the time. When watching the movie, I really hate people talk, or the kids share opinions with adults. They are disturbing the audience. Some people don’t talk, but they play smart phone, showing a light in the dark, it is very uncomfortable. Everybody goes to the movie to take relax, the one who doesn’t control their behavior will disturb others.


  It is everybody’s duty to self-behave. Parents need to educate their children, or set the good example to them. Foreigners always complain about the rude behavior on Chinese people. We have to admit our rude act, only in this way can we get improved.


文明英语作文 篇6

  文明的举止 Civilized manners

  China is now more and more involved in international events, so it is necessary for us to improve the qualities of the citizens as manners play an important role in international communication. Sometimes some people don't behave properly in our daily lives. For example, spitting in public places can be seen somewhere. The flowers in public gardens are picked. What is worse, rubbish and plastic bags are thrown on the ground in the street. In my opinion, these bad behaviors will make bad impressions upon visitors to China, which will ruin the good reputation of China as a large country with a long history. So all people should be taught to be well-behaved and every one of us should form good habits from now on.



文明英语作文 篇7

  Panda is favored by people, because they are so lovely. Many people come to Sichuan to see the pandas in the zoo, but the media always report some bad behaviors. Some tourists throw away the rubbish and some adults let their kids stand in the handrail, just to get closer to pandas. We need to act politely, for protecting the environment and animals.


文明英语作文 篇8

  On September 12th, 20xx, our school held a flag-raising ceremony on the playground with the theme “For your safety, for your life!”

  Tang Shaofeng, on behalf of the students, made a speech. He said that safety concerns every one of us and hidden threat against safety was everywhere. We may easily get injured in sports or traffic accidents , or get sick from food poisoning. Therefore,we should pay more attention to safety and try to learn more about first aid. To sum up, we should take good care of ourselves for the sake of our familys happiness.

  Later, our headmaster gave us some specific requirements. He said both teachers and students should attach special importance to school safety. Firstly, riding bicycles on campus is strongly prohibited. No ball games are allowed in the academic areas. We should keep to the right when going upstairs or downstairs. Besides, the windows must be closed and the doors must be locked when the last one leaves the classroom. Finally, we should always obey the traffic rules on our way home or to school.

文明英语作文 篇9

  When holiday comes, thousands of people pour into the tourist sites, they want to relax themselves and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But Chinese people have a bad habit, they like to leave some notes on the site, proving them have been here before.

  Such a behavior has been criticized by the public, because the leaving note will damage the preservation of the tourist site.

  Most of the tourist sites are part of our country’s historical relics, these sites are priceless, it is everyone’s duty to protect the sites.

  When we go to travel, we should behave ourselves. First, we need to have the idea that no rubbish being leaved behind when we leave the site. We should take away what we bring, keep the environment clean. Second, no any notes being written in the sites. Though in the old days, Chinese workers like to leave their names on the sites, but now it is a new world, we need to behave ourselves.















校园生活英语作文 介绍春节的英语作文