
2022-03-12 英语作文


中国英语作文 篇1

  China debates 'family values'

  Most Chinese agree the family is undergoing tremendous change. But views on what that means run the gamut. Some feel society is headed for serious disorder due to a loss of values like sacrifice, family loyalty, and fidelity. Others see a better China emerging after a period of shakeout, with greater choice and maturity.

  At one level, the fight is between traditionalists and progressives. Many of the former feel that an avaricious new money culture will corrupt China and send it into uncharted waters. They see women becoming sex objects and couples devaluing each other. They see the years from 1950 to 1980 as a stable period of happiness, when moral values were predominant and families found meaning in serving the state.

  "The opening up of the 1980s is only now showing itself in the way wives and husbands are chosen," says Xia Xueluan, a professor at Beijing University. "Now, when a girl meets a boy the first question is, 'Do you have a house? Do you have a car?' This causes great strains in marriages, and on husbands, to produce income. I'm worried."

  Progressives feel that few Chinese want to lose recent gains like choice. Both sexes are more liberated, they feel. In the past, marriage was limited by family background. Divorce was not allowed, often not even in abusive, dead-end situations.

  "In the past, there was no money and people were forced to rely on others. The choice for a better life was simple: struggle for food and shelter," says Dong Zhiying with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. "We all lived together and ate at the same table; we had 'salty or sweet' depending on what was available. Now you can order your own dishes."

  Many in China do feel problems with the money culture are underestimated, but don't want a return to state dictates in their private lives. They feel that an obsession with grades, colleges, and jobs has led parents to ignore a traditional emphasis on good behavior, modesty, and politeness. They are troubled by studies showing rising levels of early teen sex and recent cases of teens involved in homicides. They want a form of new moral education that teaches a humane social contract.

中国英语作文 篇2

  bicycles are very popular in china. in this country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. when you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shop, and wherever the riders want to go. therefore, china is known as "the kingdom of bicycles", where on the average every family has one or two bicycles.compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. first, they are much cheaper than cars, which most chinese cant afford. secondly, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a large piece of land to be parked. whats more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.

  however, bicycles create some problems. some riders dont abide by traffic regulations and some dont take others safety into consideration while riding too fast. during rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic jams. thereforet we have a long way to go to solve the problem.

中国英语作文 篇3

  中国的电影市场一直在髙速发展,但是国产的动画业(animation industry)却不尽如人意。去年有33部动画电影发行,但没有一部票房(box office)喜人。原因有以下几点:一是投入少。一部好莱坞动画电影在放映和电影特技上的花费要超过其一半的预算。但在中国,这些通常只占10%.二是故事情节单一。目前中国很难有超过1亿票房的动画电影。内部人士称电影情节无趣是票房过低的罪魁祸首。此外,薪酬较低,要找一个好编剧(scriptwriter)也很困难。


  China‘s film market has been developing at a highspeed,but China’s animation industry is not to oursatisfaction.Last year,33 animation films werereleased,none of which did well at the box office.The reasons are as follows:firstly,the lowinvestment.A Hollywood animation film spends more than half of its budget on screening andspecial effects, which,however,in China,usually accounts for only 10%. Secondly,the tediousplot.Currently,few animation films in China can achieve more than 0.1 billion yuan at thebox office.According to the insiders,boring plot is the main reason for low box office.Besides,its hard to find a good scriptwriter with low payment.

  1.一直在高速发展:“一直”可用现在完成时表达,故译为have been developing at a tremendous speed.

  2.不尽如人意:即“不能令人满意”,可译为not to our satisfaction.反之,“令人满意”则译为to one‘s satisfaction.

  3.票房:固定译法为box office.

  4.投入少:即“低投资”,可译为low investment.

  5.放映和电影特技:可译为screening and special effects.

  6.罪魁祸首:即“主要原因”,可译为main reason.

中国英语作文 篇4

  How to Be a Greener Person

  It’s our duty to protect the environment around us. The three Rs—reduce, reuse and recycle—are important. I think we’d better not buy bottles or boxes which people can only use once. We should turn off the lights when we are not using them. We can give old clothes to others to reuse them. When we go shopping, we’d better take a cloth bag rather than use plastic bags. We shouldn’t throw things away if they can be reused, repaired or recycled. It’s important for us to protect animals and plants. We are supposed to prevent the factory from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and so on. If everyone is doing that, our world will become more and more beautiful.

中国英语作文 篇5

  I like Chinese New Year very much.I can meet many many friends in my family.I like them very much.We sit together to have dinner,I like the food,it's very nice.

  Do you know what is lucky money?It is the money children get from aunt and uncles,grandpa grandma.I've got a lot this year!

  I love Chinese New Year.I hope you will like it too.








中国英语作文 篇6

  "I love my motherland - China, is a beautiful and rich place!" This kind of words, which Chinese children have not thought of? My dream, because of China, because I am a Chinese people.

  Every Chinese is proud to have five thousand years of civilization in the motherland! It has a world-famous Great Wall, there is a beautiful Guohuang month sprout, there are "underground army" Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses ... ... it has a civilized ancient words and bamboo. In the 19th century, found Oracle, these small Chinese characters, recorded China's long history, but also carries the Chinese people's new history.

  China's science is getting better and better, in the long years, the Chinese people on the stunning moon. October 24, 20xx, "Chang'e One" launched in our country Xichang. "Chang'e One" successfully completed the detection mission, in November 12, 20xx photographed a "moon image map." Also in October 1, 20xx, "Chang'e II" successfully launched. "Chang'e II" around the Earth orbit accelerated 3 times, close to the moon, and slowed down 3 times, into the lunar orbit. January 18, 20xx, "Chang'e II" project won the 20xx annual scientific and technological progress award. I seem to see those scientists must be excited to cry, but his face with a smile, my heart is happy. How awesome they are! The motherland has increased the glory! 20xx you, heaven, into the sea, China has never stopped the pace of innovation. "Dragon" successfully dive under the 7062 meters, once again refresh the "depth of China." The pace of progress in China has never stopped.

  Beautiful Chinese scenery makes people intoxicated. In the face of the lofty beauty of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in the face of the magnificent beauty of the Loess Plateau, in the face of the awe-inspiring beauty of the Gangrenpu Qi Feng, in the face of the steep beauty of Huashan, in the face of the vigorous beauty of the three days, The face of the United States Ya Ya Dan dazzling beauty, the beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou, facing the beauty of Jiuzhaigou ... ... the face of these countless beauty, my heart secretly thought: my motherland so beautiful, we must be good protection.

  China in addition to the beauty of the scenery, there are people beautiful. Maybe you will ask, is it? No, is their mind, is their beauty. 20xx China's land gush a large number of caring people, the most beautiful mother, the most beautiful teachers, the most beautiful village doctors ... ... they are a segment of the heart of the story shocked people. They are selfish, selfless dedication, helpful ... ... they figure what? Figure everyone can be happy, happy to live it! Bus on the seat, when the door asked the homemade, those life bit by bit is to give people the care of it! They represent the whole of China, they are bit by bit ordinary highlight the love of civilians heroes! They knit into a loving sky with a loving mind; a loving country.

  General Xi Jinping said: "to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation." This dream is getting closer and closer to us, people no longer fantasy. This dream, the Chinese nation gave birth to a hundred years, the Chinese people also yearning for more than 100 years, but never so close. In order to complete this dream, we children of the Chinese nation together to help the motherland dream it!

  Ah, beautiful country! Ah, rich motherland! I believe that China's most beautiful scenery will be able to retain! The revival of the Chinese nation dream will be able to achieve! Our motherland is heading for that beautiful tomorrow!












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