
2021-03-26 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  should we stop the machine ?

  suppose a man has a car accident. he is hurt badly and is unconscious;that is, he cant think, speak, or hear. his family takes him to the hospital. the doctors tell the family that his brain is dead.a machine can make him breathe.

  now the patients family must answer some difficult questions. should they think he is dead? should they ask the doctors to use the machine to make him breathe? sometimes machines can make an unconscious person breathe for years.however,if his brain is dead, he will never think, speak, or hear again. then, should his family ask the doctors not to use the machine and let him die?

  someone who is unconscious cant say he wants to die.can his family say this for him? some people think this is a good idea. some think otherwise.

  many people are hurt when machines keep a person alive. the unconscious person doesnt know this. machines only make the family and friends hurt longer.


  假设某人遭遇了一场车祸,严重受伤、不省人事。也就是说.他不能想、不能说、不能听。 家人把他送去医院。 医生告诉他的家人,这个人已经脑死亡,只能依靠机器的辅助才能呼吸。




英语作文 篇2


  A Brief Introduction to the University

  Distinguished guests,

  Welcome to our university. Before you start to look around, allow me to give you a brief account of the school.

  Founded in 1927, our university is one of this city’s earliest universities of liberal arts. It is staffed with an excellent faculty, and has a total enrollment of over 10,000 students. In the past years, it has turned out numerous well-qualified students and found its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.

  Since its establishment, the university has always steered itself toward the objective that its students have an overall healthy development. Not only does it provide the students with basic academic courses, but it manages to expose them to the up-to-date knowledge. Besides, students are free to participate in colorful campus activities and social practice, which are intended for broadening their mind and developing their potential talent.

  Currently, both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve the quality of our education in the direction of a first-rate university. Thank you.

英语作文 篇3

  A healthy and beautiful environment is very important for us to live in. The air is fresh, water is clean and scenery is pleasant. People will have a happy life in such an environment. If human get along with environment harmoniously, as a result, we become the part of the environment. But now the global environment has been getting worse and worse .In recent decades. we have been devoting ourselves to get a high living standard, however, the environment has been polluted. Many factories have been built up, so much smoke form factory chimneys pollutes the air. Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly. Because of rapid population growth, animals are homeless because the forests are decreasing every minute for building cities. Traffic is becoming more and more congestion. It is painful for us to live in it now. So it's time for us to do something to save our environment.

  First of all, it is our everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. We should set an example for the younger generation, such as don't litter, don’t spit everywhere and don't speak loudly in public place. Secondly, laws should be established to deal with air, water and noise pollution. Severely punish those who violate the law of environmental protection. Lastly, the government also should supervise hardly and carefully. We believe that we will save our living environment and live in a beautiful world.

英语作文 篇4

  Laughter is surely one of humanity's greatest gifts, for the ability to laugh--- to appreciate the pleasure or absurdity in daily activities---- allows people, young and old alike, to keep problems in perspective. Children are natural laughers. In situations, both appropriate and inappropriate , the chuckles, giggles, and outright peals of laughter of children can emphasize their innocence, their joyful ignorance of the problems of the world. Levity among adults is, unfortunately, far less common, but it is equally welcome.

  How fortunate are the adults who can react to potentially frustrating situations--- a collapsed tent, a split seam in a pair of pants, a surprise guest--- and see the sheer absurdity of their attempts to maintain absolute control. Laughter expresses pleasure, eases tension, and lifts the spirit. It is a gift we should all share more often.

英语作文 篇5

  This is Beijing .It’s in the north of china .It’s got fourteen million people .It’s very big .There is a very famous wall in Beijing .The Great Wall.

  It’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers. And there is a famous square in the middle of Beijing it’s beautiful . It’s Tian’an men square .

  I like Beijing .I want to go to Beijing one day.



英语作文 篇6

  I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It's cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful

英语作文 篇7

  Last summer holiday, I visited to Xiamen with my parentsby plane. My English teacher once told us that Xiamen is a beautiful city that worth of visiting. We stayed there for four days. We lived in a small fishing village. On the first day, we visited to Xiamen University and Nanputuo Temple. Xiamen University is consideredas the most beautiful and romantic campus in China. Indeed, it's fantastic and its buildings are distinctive. On the second days, we enjoyed the scenery of Jimei District. On the third day, We visited to Gulangyu. It's amazing and I like it very much. There are many small specific stores. However, the huge tourist visitors make the small island crowed. Anyway, it was a pleasant trip.



英语作文 篇8

  It was a rainy night in spring. I lied in bed sleepless, listening to the rain dropping down softly on the roof. It was just like the music. I was deeply moved by it. Rain in spring is not like rain in autumn or summer. It drizzles sometimes, moistening the thirsty fields lightly and selflessly. I apparently feel the fresh breeze together with raindrops blowing against my window.











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