
2021-03-27 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  It’s the last term for us to study in our school. Thinking back on the past three years, I have taken part in many activities with my classmates.

  But I think the Clean-up Day is the most unforgettable of all the things that have happened.

  On the afternoon of a sunny day, all of my classmates took the tools and went to the playground.

  Some of us swept the flour, some picked the litter up and the others watered the flowers.

  At last, the whole school became brighter and cleaner. All of us felt very tired but we still felt very happy, because we all gave our own energy to make the school become better and better.





英语作文 篇2

  Wealth and Happiness

  Everybody wants to get wealthy. Today, making money or becoming wealthy symbolizes a person's success and capability. Many people try to make money at all costs. They claim that wealth can bring everything they want.

  In my opinion, people cannot do anything without money, but money is not everything. What money will bring you depends on your personal belief and goal in life. If you are kind enough to help others, especially the poor, then money is a good thing to you. With it, you can do much more for the benefit of people and your country, and it will bring you happiness as well. If you want money to buy large apartments and luxury cars to keep up with others, or to pursue your materialistic enjoyment, you'll never get the true happiness and even lose some happiness you once owned.

  In a word, money is a double-edged sword for happiness. You should have enough money spent for more people, only then can money be the source of your happiness.

英语作文 篇3

  As usual, I got up at six in the morning today. I am an early bird because it says "the birds get up early can catch worm", well, I wasn't going to catch "worm", even not the one in my computer, haha, they were actually some viruses in my computers, I guess it's because I use pirated software all the time. Anyway, I did exercises and then studied for a while just like before, but I got one more special thing to do today: shopping. you know what? today is Saturday, it means I don't have school.

  The next thing happens made me happier today was when I went out shopping with my friends, a person looks someone who was just travlling here ask me for direction. I told him the direction but it seems he didn't get it, so I decided to walk with him to the place he wanted to go to. and finally, we found the place yep!

  And then, after I helped him, I met a beggar, he asked me for 2 dollars to buy food, what? I have only 3 dollar, so I gave him 1.5. I was so kind. Yep!I am so happy!

英语作文 篇4

  My mother takes care of me all the time, I am very thankful for her protection. But sometimes I feel like that I need to grow up and I want to do the things by my own. My mother worries about me and she will ask me do as she says. I think it is time to let go of me, I want to fly higher and be a great kid.


英语作文 篇5

  Shaping the Morality

  According to a survey, more than two thirds of people in China agree that, the public moral level is lower than before。 This figure, although hard to accept, has indicated the fact that the nation’s overall morality is declining。 If you pay some attention, you could easily point out some improper behaviors happening around: young men refusing to give seats to the old on buses; shoppers jamming into queue instead of waiting in line; crude riders neglecting red lights, etc。 So what the hell is going on?

  As analysts have figured out, this trend of degradation mainly originated from faulty education。 For decades, Chinese schools simply infuse bookish knowledge to their students, whilst moral cultivation becomes a kind of formalism; on the other hand, children are naturally influenced by their family and other adults in the society, most of whom are too sophisticated to be considered as eligible moral models。

  Facing such disappointing condition, you may ask: how can things become better? As far as I am concerned, we must following these three steps。 First of all: self-shaping。 We should manage ourselves well, and try to shape our own morality as perfect as possible。 The second step: family-shaping, which is to behave as the model for your children and improve their moral status through strict discipline。 The third: organization-shaping。 If you are leading people, such as being a manager or national president, you could reinforce your whole organization’s moral situation with policy and your own action。 Even if you’re no leader, you’ll have a positive impact on the society if only you manage yourself well and try to influence others as much as possible。

英语作文 篇6

  sun shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a boy of 14 from guangdong. he loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in guangdong province. he studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team. a year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th asian games and became a world champion at the 6th world swimming championships early this year.










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